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Guide to Participation

This page is for participants only.
The due dates vary depending on the items to be submitted. Please check before proceeding. 

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For all participants

  • Information for the last day
    Family members are welcome to attend the closing ceremony, farewell lunch, and school orientation on the final day, although participation is optional. During the closing ceremony, your child will present their achievements from the camp. During the school orientation, we will provide information about the school facilities and explain the process for admissions in September 2024 and the entrance exams for the next academic year. Please consider attending this session. Details about the final day and how to register for parents' participation will be provided at a later date. ■ Overview (Scheduled) Date: Camp 1: July 6 (Saturday) Camp 2: July 13 (Saturday) Camp 3: August 3 (Saturday) Location: Jinseki International School ■ Flow of the day (Scheduled) 10:00 Doors Open 10:30 Closing Ceremony Begins 11:30 Farewell Lunch Begins 13:00 Dismissal, Departure of Shuttle Buses 13:00 School Orientation Begins - Scheduled to End at 14:30 (60 minutes for school orientation / 30 minutes for school tour) 【Notes】 There will be no shuttle bus service available for families traveling between Fukuyama Station or Hiroshima Airport and the campsite. Families attending on the final day should use their own cars or taxis. For those attending the school orientation and planning to use the bullet train or airplane for their return trip, please consider the travel time when making arrangements. Recommended schedules will not be provided.
  • Registration of participant information (Deadline: Varies for each notification)
    Please register your child's information and upload their photo using the form below. This information is necessary for class placement and preparation of T-shirts, so we appreciate your cooperation in registering as soon as possible. Participant Information Registration Form [Deadlines] For those who received the notification on April 16-17 : April 24 (Wednesday) For those who received the notification on April 22 or later::Individually specified dates
  • First day morning temperature check and COVID-19 infection control measures
    On the first day, please conduct a temperature check before leaving your home or accommodation. If your temperature measures 37.5℃ or higher, please contact the JINIS Camp office before arriving at the assembly point.。 Regarding measures against COVID-19 infection: Masks will not be required for your child's health check and to prevent heatstroke. ※ "Pledge on COVID-19 Countermeasures" is no longer required. (31 May 2024) Please ensure that you understand the contents of the "Pledge on COVID-19 Countermeasures" sign it, and bring the original copy with you.
  • Submission of documents related to allergies, medication support, and medication management (Deadline: May 31)
    When allergy management or the use of medication (oral medication, topical medication, eye drops, etc.) is necessary, the school nurse manages and supports using a designated format. Cooperation in advance submission is requested for coordination with the school nurse and kitchen staff. a. School Life Management Guidance Sheet (for allergy conditions) * Please ask the attending physician to complete it. b. Medication Management and Support Request Form c. Medication Information Provision Form or Copy of Medication Notebook [Submission Deadline *Strictly Observed] May 31 (Friday) ※For current JINIS students: If you have already submitted it to the school for the new academic year, there is no need to submit it again. Please let us know if there are any changes. [Submission Method] (1)Download the format from the following URL and fill it out: School Life Management Guidance Form (for allergy conditions) (PDF) Medication Management and Support Request Form (PDF) (2)Upload the PDF or photo via the "Submission Form": Submission Form (3)Please bring the original or a copy on the day of the camp. a. Regarding allergies: For children with allergies who require medication (including emergency medication such as Epipen), it is mandatory to submit the "School Life Management Guidance Sheet (for allergy conditions)" filled out by a physician, along with the "Medication Support and Medication Management Request Form" completed by the parent/guardian. If your child has a food allergy and you wish to remove certain foods, submission of the "School Life Management Guidance Sheet (for allergy conditions)" based on a physician's diagnosis is mandatory in accordance with the "Guidelines for Dealing with Allergic Diseases at School." As a principle, complete removal of the causative food is required to ensure safety. For symptoms or food items without submission of the "School Life Management Guidance Sheet (for allergy conditions)," management and support may become difficult. If it is difficult for your child to make avoidance decisions independently, please visit a medical institution and submit the required documents. b. Regarding the Medication Management and Support Request Form: Even if medication during the camp period is not mandatory, if there is a possibility of use or if your child will bring medication, it is necessary to submit the form. We cannot accept medications that require special skills for administration or medications that are difficult to manage. Please also submit over-the-counter medications. We cannot accept over-the-counter medications without submission. For over-the-counter medications, the following medications are provided by the school. Please submit the "Medication Support and Medication Management Request Form" only if you will bring your usual medication or other over-the-counter medications: Sunscreen Insect repellent Moisturizer c. Regarding the Medication Information Provision Form or Copy of Medication Notebook: Please submit medications prescribed by a medical institution. Submission is not required for over-the-counter medications.
  • Meeting point and time on the first day
    Please register your transportation method and meeting point/time via the dedicated form once they are decided. Please note that the deadline varies for each camp. Meeting point and times: 【A】Fukuyama Station Ticket Gates (Assembly: 12:30-13:30) 【B】Hiroshima Airport Arrivals Lobby (Assembly: 12:00-13:00) 【C】JINIS WINDS COURT at Jinseki International School (Registration: 14:00-15:00) Notes: 【A】For Fukuyama Station: Please arrive between 12:30 and 13:30. Parents will be dismissed at the meeting point. 【B】For Hiroshima Airport: Please arrive between 12:00 and 13:00. Parents will be dismissed at the meeting point. 【C】For JINIS WINDS COURT at Jinseki International School: Please arrive during the registration time from 14:00 to 15:00. Please note that registration cannot be completed before 14:00. We will take care of your child at registration. Parents cannot attend the opening ceremony or guidance. 【A、B、C】 Please have lunch on your own before coming. Lunch will not be provided at the school. Deadline for Registration of Transportation Method and Meeting Point/Time on the First Day: Camp 1: June 20 (Thursday) Camp 2: June 29 (Saturday) Camp 3: July 11th (Thursday) Registration form
  • Recommended bullet train and airplane schedules
    We would like to inform you of the recommended round-trip flights as follows. It is expected to change in the future, so please check the arrival and departure times when you make arrangements. You can use other than the recommended flight. 【First day】 Airplane(Tokyo→Hiroshima) JAL257 Haneda Airport 09:55 - Hiroshima Airport 11:20 ANA677 Haneda Airport 10:35 - Hiroshima Airport 12:00 (Arrive at 11:55 depending on the date) Bullet train(Tokyo, Shin-Osaka→Fukuyama) Nozomi No.21 Departs Tokyo 09:30 /Departs Shin-Osaka12:02 - arrives at Fukuyama13:03 Bullet train(Hakata→Fukuyama) Nozomi No. 24 Departs Hakata11:15 - arrives at Fukuyama 12:41 【Last day】 Airplane(Hiroshima→Tokyo) JAL262 Hiroshima Airport 16:40 - Haneda Airport 18:15 ANA680  Hiroshima Airport 15:20 - Haneda Airport 16:45 Bullet train(Fukuyama→Shin-Osaka, Tokyo) Nozomi No. 32 Departs Fukuyama 14:41 - arrives at Shin-Osaka 15:43/Tokyo 18:15 Bullet train(Fukuyama→Hakata) Sakura No. 557  Departs Fukuyama 14:27 - arrives at Hakata 15:59 【Notes】 If you plan to attend the school orientation on the final day, please note that you may not be able to catch the recommended bullet train or airplane schedule. If you plan to use the bullet train or airplane for your return trip, please make arrangements considering the travel time. School orientation: Scheduled to start at 13:00 and end at 14:30 Travel time to Fukuyama Station: Approximately 60 minutes by car Travel time to Hiroshima Airport: Approximately 90 minutes by car If you are using the children's support service of the respective airline, you will be provided with a contact person later.
  • Invoice for participation fee (Due date: As indicated on the invoice)
    We have sent you the invoice by email. Please review the invoice details and make the payment to the following account by the deadline. If payment is not received by the deadline, your registration will be canceled. Please note that the registration fee (¥50,000) cannot be refunded in such cases. ​ [Bank Account Information] Bank: Mizuho Bank, Kojimachi Branch SWIFT/BIC: MHCBJPJ6XXX Account Number: 1439580 Account Name: カ)ジセダイキョウイクカンキョウカイハツ *Please bear the remittance fees. ​ [Cancellation Policy] Regarding the participation fee, no refunds will be provided for cancellations made by participants after payment. If the organisers cancel the camp, a full refund of the participation fee, excluding the deposit, will be issued.
  • 最終日 ご来場手段/会場・駅・空港へのお迎えについて
    ■ご来場の際の交通手段について ご家族の方は各自でお車、タクシーをご利用ください。復路につきましても各自でご手配もお願いいたします 福山駅および広島空港への送迎バスは、ご家族が来場されないお子様のみご利用いただけます ■会場または駅・空港へのお迎えにつきまして キャンプ会場にお迎えの場合 13:00までにJINIS WINDS COURTへお越しください 福山駅および広島空港でお迎えの場合 送迎バスでお送りいたします 14:00までにご到着ください 当日の交通状況により送迎バスの到着時刻は前後する可能性がございます ■お子様だけでの帰宅につきまして 広島空港および福山駅まで送迎バスでお送りいたします 空港はキッズサービス受け渡し、または出発ロビーまで、新幹線は指定座席までスタッフが付き添います 復路チケットならびに航空会社へ提出するサービス利用の誓約書の持参をお忘れの場合は、JINIS Camp事務局までご連絡ください
  • 神石インターナショナルスクールへの出願を検討されている方へ
    神石インターナショナルスクールへの出願を検討されている方は、9月21日(土)東京会場・神石会場(日程要相談)にて入学・転入学試験を受けることができます。 席数に限りがありますので、ご希望の方はAdmissions Officeまでメールまたは「JINISお問い合わせフォーム」よりご連絡ください。 すでに出願されている方のお席は確保しております。
  • Home use guide (list of items to bring, etc.), pledge, etc.
    For those who have confirmed their payment of the participation fee, various documents will be sent from mid-May. If you have moved after pre-entry, please register your latest address during the "Registration of Participant Information". 【A】For residents within Japan or those who prefer to receive items at a Japanese address: We will mail the following items (1) to (4) to the registered address. If you move after pre-registration or if you live abroad but wish to receive items in Japan, please update your address during the "Registration of Participant Information." 【B】For residents outside Japan: We will provide the following items (1) to (3) in downloadable format. Please prepare a ziplock bag (4) on your own. Please refer to the sample and pack your belongings accordingly. [Items to be Sent (Planned)] Home use guide for JINIS Camp (list of items to bring, etc.) Pledge on COVID-19 Countermeasures Documents regarding exemption from liability and consent agreements Submission documents (original or copy), and a ziplock bag for organizing medications.
  • Regarding the bus service
    【On the first day】 If you plan to use the shuttle bus from Fukuyama Station or Hiroshima Airport on the first day, please arrive at the meeting point within the designated time. Once you arrive, please wait on the bus until departure time. We will depart once all registered participants have gathered, after the designated meeting time has passed. If there are any changes to your transportation plans, please be sure to contact the office in advance. 【On the last day】 Shuttle bus service to Fukuyama Station or Hiroshima Airport is available only for children whose guardians do not come to the campsite. 【Notes on shuttle bus service】 There is no shuttle bus service available for families travelling between Fukuyama Station or Hiroshima Airport and the campsite. If you are attending on the last day, please arrange your own transportation by car or taxi.
  • 最終日のスケジュール
    修了式では、お子様がキャンプの成果を発表いたします。是非ご家族の方もご来場ください。ご兄弟姉妹のお子様もご出席いただけます。 キャンプのプログラムはフェアウェルランチまでとなります。お子様はフェアウェルランチまでの参加が基本となります。 日程:7月6日(土) 会場:神石インターナショナルスクール JINIS WINDS COURT [アクセス] ※分岐点に看板がございます。案内に沿って「JINIS WINDS COURT」へお進みください 当日の流れ: 10:30 開場 11:00 修了式 開始 11:30 フェアウェルランチ開始 13:00 解散、送迎バス 出発 13:00【希望者のみ】学校説明会 開始〜14:30終了予定(学校説明60分/学校見学30分) [ご来場の皆様] ご家族の方は10:30〜11:00までにJINIS WINDS COURTへお越しください フェアウェルランチ終了後は自由解散です [学校説明会について] 学校施設のご案内と2024年9月編入および来年度の入試についてご説明いたします
  • 最終日 お子様の帰宅手段・ご家族の出欠の登録(期日:6月24日)
    以下のフォームよりお子様の帰宅手段・ご家族の出欠をご登録ください。 安全対策の一環としてのご入場者リストを作成いたしますため、出席をご希望の方は人数をお知らせください。 福山駅および広島空港までお子様の送迎をご希望の場合は、送迎バスの座席確保がございますため、お早めにご登録をお願いいたします。   【最終日】帰宅手段・出欠のご登録(期日 6月24日(月)まで) ◾️日本語: ◾️English: [注意事項] ご家族が修了式のみでご帰宅される場合は、お子様もフェアウェルランチには参加せずご家族と一緒に帰宅となります 学校説明会は出席登録をされた方のみご参加いただけます 福山駅・広島空港と会場を往復するご家族向けの送迎バスはございません。ご家族の方は各自でお車、タクシーをご利用ください ご家族が来場されるお子様は、送迎バスはご利用いただけません
  • Registration of transportation method and meeting point on the first day (Deadline: June 20)
    Please register your transportation method and meeting location/time using the form below: [Registration Form] [Registration Deadline] June 20 (Thursday) [Notes] If there are any changes after registration but before the deadline, please indicate the changes in the remarks section and register again. If there are any changes after the deadline, please contact the JINIS Camp office via email. If you plan to use the shuttle bus service, please contact us early as seats are limited.
  • 最終日のスケジュール
    修了式では、お子様がキャンプの成果を発表いたします。是非ご家族の方もご来場ください。ご兄弟姉妹のお子様もご出席いただけます。 キャンプのプログラムはフェアウェルランチまでとなります。お子様はフェアウェルランチまでの参加が基本となります。 日程:7月13日(土) 会場:神石インターナショナルスクール JINIS WINDS COURT [アクセス] ※分岐点に看板がございます。案内に沿って「JINIS WINDS COURT」へお進みください 当日の流れ: 10:30 開場 11:00 修了式 開始 11:30 フェアウェルランチ開始 13:00 解散、送迎バス 出発 13:00【希望者のみ】学校説明会 開始〜14:30終了予定(学校説明60分/学校見学30分) [ご来場の皆様] ご家族の方は10:30〜11:00までにJINIS WINDS COURTへお越しください フェアウェルランチ終了後は自由解散です [学校説明会について] 学校施設のご案内と2024年9月編入および来年度の入試についてご説明いたします
  • 最終日 お子様の帰宅手段・ご家族の出欠の登録(期日:6月29日)
    以下のフォームよりお子様の帰宅手段・ご家族の出欠をご登録ください。 安全対策の一環としてのご入場者リストを作成いたしますため、出席をご希望の方は人数をお知らせください。 福山駅および広島空港までお子様の送迎をご希望の場合は、送迎バスの座席確保がございますため、お早めにご登録をお願いいたします。   【最終日】帰宅手段・出欠のご登録(期日 6月29日(土)まで) ◾️日本語: ◾️English: [注意事項] ご家族が修了式のみでご帰宅される場合は、お子様もフェアウェルランチには参加せずご家族と一緒に帰宅となります 学校説明会は出席登録をされた方のみご参加いただけます 福山駅・広島空港と会場を往復するご家族向けの送迎バスはございません。ご家族の方は各自でお車、タクシーをご利用ください ご家族が来場されるお子様は、送迎バスはご利用いただけません
  • Registration of transportation method and meeting point on the first day (Deadline: June 29)
    Please register your transportation method and meeting location/time using the form below: [Registration Form] [Registration Deadline] June 29 (Saturday) [Notes] If there are any changes after registration but before the deadline, please indicate the changes in the remarks section and register again. If there are any changes after the deadline, please contact the JINIS Camp office via email. If you plan to use the shuttle bus service, please contact us early as seats are limited.
  • 最終日のスケジュール
    修了式では、お子様がキャンプの成果を発表いたします。是非ご家族の方もご来場ください。ご兄弟姉妹のお子様もご出席いただけます。 キャンプのプログラムはフェアウェルランチまでとなります。お子様はフェアウェルランチまでの参加が基本となります。 日程:8月3日(土) 会場:神石インターナショナルスクール JINIS WINDS COURT [アクセス] ※分岐点に看板がございます。案内に沿って「JINIS WINDS COURT」へお進みください 当日の流れ: 10:00 開場 10:30 修了式 開始 11:30 フェアウェルランチ開始 13:00 解散、送迎バス 出発 13:00【希望者のみ】学校説明会 開始〜14:30終了予定(学校説明60分/学校見学30分) [ご来場の皆様] ご家族の方は10:00〜10:30までにJINIS WINDS COURTへお越しください フェアウェルランチ終了後は自由解散です [学校説明会について] 学校施設のご案内と2024年9月編入および来年度の入試についてご説明いたします
  • 最終日 お子様の帰宅手段・ご家族の出欠の登録(期日:7月27日)
    以下のフォームよりお子様の帰宅手段・ご家族の出欠をご登録ください。 安全対策の一環としてのご入場者リストを作成いたしますため、出席をご希望の方は人数をお知らせください。 福山駅および広島空港までお子様の送迎をご希望の場合は、送迎バスの座席確保がございますため、お早めにご登録をお願いいたします。   【最終日】帰宅手段・出欠のご登録(期日 7月27日(土)まで) ◾️日本語: ◾️English: [注意事項] ご家族が修了式のみでご帰宅される場合は、お子様もフェアウェルランチには参加せずご家族と一緒に帰宅となります 学校説明会は出席登録をされた方のみご参加いただけます 福山駅・広島空港と会場を往復するご家族向けの送迎バスはございません。ご家族の方は各自でお車、タクシーをご利用ください ご家族が来場されるお子様は、送迎バスはご利用いただけません
  • Registration of transportation method and meeting point on the first day (Deadline: July 11)
    Please register your transportation method and meeting location/time using the form below: [Registration Form] [Registration Deadline] July 11 (Thursday) [Notes] If there are any changes after registration but before the deadline, please indicate the changes in the remarks section and register again. If there are any changes after the deadline, please contact the JINIS Camp office via email. If you plan to use the shuttle bus service, please contact us early as seats are limited.
  • Is it possible to join the camp midway?
    It is possible to join the camp midway due to various circumstances or to temporarily stay outside the camp. If you plan to join the camp midway, please contact the JINIS Camp office ( in advance with details. During the camp period, parents or guardians arrange transportation to the venue. Please use your own vehicle, taxi, or other means of transportation. If your child needs to travel alone due to unavoidable circumstances, please discuss with us. Except for funerals or temporary returns determined by the organizers, we are unable to accommodate private reasons for leaving the camp during the camp period.
  • How long does it take from Fukuyama Station/ Hiroshima Airport to JINIS?
    Here are the transportation methods and estimated travel times from Fukuyama Station and Hiroshima Airport to the campsite. Please note that transportation is limited to private vehicles (personal cars, rental cars, taxis) only.  Camp shuttle buses are available only for participating children on the first and last days of the camp. Estimated travel times (subject to variations depending on traffic conditions): From Fukuyama Station: Approximately 60 minutes From Hiroshima Airport: Approximately 90 minutes
  • What happens to the participation fee if I join or leave the camp midway?
    We do not offer reductions in participation fees for shortened participation periods.
  • What should I do if parents cannot pick up the child due to sudden illness or other emergencies?
    Please contact the JINIS Camp office (  In case of emergency, please call the emergency contact number listed in your family guidebook.
  • How are classes and rooms determined? Is it possible to make requests?
    Classes and rooms are organised based on age and English proficiency level. We regret that we are unable to accommodate individual requests. For boarding rooms, floors are separated by gender.
  • Will the participation fee (including registration fee) be refunded if I cancel due to various circumstances?
    As stated in our cancellation policy, we do not offer refunds for cancellations made by participants after payment, regardless of the circumstances. In the event of cancellation by the organizer, we will refund the full participation fee excluding the registration fee.
  • Can you help with tasks like tying hair?
    We will do our best to accommodate such requests. However, please understand that due to a large number of children and the morning rush, we may not always be able to fulfill every request. We will prioritise tasks to ensure they do not interfere with the day's activities. Your understanding in this matter would be greatly appreciated.
  • Can my child bring a mobile phone to the camp?
    Generally, we discourage campers from bringing mobile phones to the camp. However, if your child travels alone by plane or bullet train, they may bring a mobile phone. We will collect and hold onto it upon arrival at the camp and return it upon departure. In case of emergencies or accidents where we need to contact parents, we will contact the camp office.
  • Can you assist with tasks like shampooing during bathing and finishing brushing teeth?
    We check to ensure proper bathing during bath time. Additionally, we provide assistance with finishing brushing teeth for children in year groups of kindergarten and first grade. Please note that participation in the camp assumes that children are capable of managing their personal hygiene independently.
  • Can parents and children exchange letters during the camp?
    We welcome letters from parents to their children during the camp. Please address the letter with your child's name and send it to the following address: JINIS Camp [Child's Name] 5020-77 Tokiyasu, Jinsekikogen-cho, Jinseki-gun, Hiroshima 720-1603 Japan For children celebrating birthdays during the camp, we also accept birthday cards. Please consider delivery times when sending them. Please also indicate on the envelope [the date you wish to give the card to the child]. *Birthday cards are no longer accepted. (May 2024) *We cannot reply from children. We appreciate your understanding in advance.
  • Can I know how my child is doing during the camp?
    Typically, we provide updates on your child's well-being every day around 8:00 PM via a private Facebook group. To access the updates, you'll need to request to join the group. Please note that this group is exclusive, and only approved individuals, such as parents and guardians, are allowed to join. We do not approve requests from individuals outside of this category (e.g., relatives). Once we verify that you're a parent or guardian based on the information provided, we'll approve your request to join the group. Please ensure that your name matches the one registered in the participant information. Further details will be provided via email on the first day of the camp.
  • Can my child bring their musical instruments or training equipment to the camp?
    We kindly ask that campers refrain from bringing musical instruments or training equipment to the camp. There is a risk of loss, damage, or injury to other campers if items are brought into shared living spaces.
  • Can my child bring a mobile phone to the camp?
    Generally, we discourage campers from bringing mobile phones to the camp. However, if your child travels alone by plane or bullet train, they may bring a mobile phone. We will collect and hold onto it upon arrival at the camp and return it upon departure. In case of emergencies or accidents where we need to contact parents, we will contact the camp office.
  • Are hairdryers provided? Can we bring our own?
    Hairdryers are provided at the camp. However, personal hairdryers are not allowed due to concerns about loss, damage, and potential injury to other children in the same room.
  • Can I bring my orthodontic headgear?
    Please contact the JINIS Camp office ( in advance.
  • Can I bring homework to the camp?
    Yes, you are welcome to bring homework to the camp. There will be time allocated after dinner for homework completion. If evenings are busy with camp activities, including evening programs, there may not always be time for homework. In such cases, please understand that completing homework may not be possible every day. While we encourage campers to complete their homework, we prioritise their overall well-being. If your child is feeling tired or overwhelmed, they are welcome to take a break from homework. There is no specific requirement for the amount of homework to bring. We suggest prioritising essential tasks and considering the overall camp experience. Please be aware that we cannot guarantee that all homework brought to camp will be completed.
  • What should I do if I forget something?
    Please contact the JINIS Camp office ( When sending the item, please make sure to include your child's name and send it to the following address: 〒720-1603 Jinsekikogen-cho, Jinseki-gun, Hiroshima 5020-77 JINIS Camp, Jinsei International School [Child's Name]
  • Can we bring diapers?
    Yes, you may bring diapers for your child. Our house parents will assist with diaper changes. We also provide bedwetting sheets for your convenience.
  • In the event of an outbreak of infectious diseases such as COVID-19 during the camp, what will happen to the camp duration?
    Generally, there will be no changes to the camp duration. However, depending on the situation, we may have to cancel the closing ceremony, farewell lunch, and school orientation session on the final day.
  • What measures are taken in case of sudden illness?
    If the nurse deems it necessary, the participant will be taken to a medical facility for further evaluation and treatment. Depending on the symptoms, a PCR test may be conducted. Participants exhibiting the following symptoms will be required to wear masks and sleep in separate rooms for observation until improvement: cough, sore throat, headache, vomiting, and fever of 37.5℃ or higher. They will resume normal activities once their condition improves.
  • Response to a Positive Case of COVID-19 at the Camp
    In the event of a confirmed case of COVID-19, the following measures will be taken: ●For the Affected Child:     Contacting the parents/guardians. Contact the local health authorities (the child's name will be provided). Isolation in a designated room. Return to the camp after the isolation period ends. ●For Other Children:      Activities will be carried out as normal. Those who are unwell will be monitored and dealt with as necessary.
  • How are medical expenses managed in case of sudden illness?
    Payment can be made by bank transfer or, if parents are present on the last day of school, cash payment at the venue.
  • Is wearing a mask mandatory?
    Wearing a mask is generally not required for the children's health check and to prevent heatstroke.
  • What nursing support is available at JINIS Camp?
    We have a comprehensive nursing system in place to ensure the well-being of all participants. During the day, we have a school nurse available, and during the night, we have House Parents who are qualified nurses on duty, providing round-the-clock nursing support. This ensures that participants have access to medical assistance and care at all times.
  • How does JINIS Camp handle food allergies?
    If exclusionary meals are requested, we require the submission of a "School Life Management Guidance Sheet for Allergic Diseases" based on the "Guidelines for School Measures against Allergic Diseases" with a physician's diagnosis. If there are specific requirements, such as severe allergies, particularly to trigger foods like buckwheat or the use of utensils previously used to cook allergenic foods, please make sure to declare them. While prioritising safety for children with food allergies, we strive to provide meals. However, for safety reasons, we primarily focus on completely removing the allergenic food. If ingredients from the 20 quasi-major allergens are included in addition to the seven major allergens, we display food allergy labels alongside the menu names at the buffet lines and encourage children to verify the contents themselves. Although we take meticulous care in handling allergies, since general and special menus are prepared in the same kitchen, there is a possibility of cross-contamination during processing or cooking processes. Additionally, utensils used for special menus are washed in the same dishwasher as other utensils, so please be aware of this.
  • What types of medications require submission of a medication support and management request form?
    Medications prescribed by medical institutions, including regular medications (such as those taken daily after meals or topical medications) and temporary medications (such as short-term medications), are applicable. Even if they are not regular medications, if there is a possibility of their use and you have them, please make sure to submit them. We cannot provide medications (including supplements) that are not submitted or listed.   In case of emergencies (such as seizures, agitation, or symptomatic allergies) requiring emergency medications: For children with allergies requiring administration of emergency medication (including EpiPens), submission of a "School Life Management Guidance Sheet for Allergic Diseases" filled out by a physician and a "Medication Support and Management Request Form" filled out by the parent or guardian is mandatory.   Medications requiring special techniques or those that are difficult to manage cannot be accepted for storage. Please also submit over-the-counter medications. Over-the-counter medications without submission cannot be accepted for storage. Regarding over-the-counter medications, the school provides the following medications. Please submit a "Medication Support and Management Request Form" only if you are bringing your usual medications or other over-the-counter medications: Sunscreen Insect repellent Moisturizer

Camp 1 participants

  • Information for the last day
    Family members are welcome to attend the closing ceremony, farewell lunch, and school orientation on the final day, although participation is optional. During the closing ceremony, your child will present their achievements from the camp. During the school orientation, we will provide information about the school facilities and explain the process for admissions in September 2024 and the entrance exams for the next academic year. Please consider attending this session. Details about the final day and how to register for parents' participation will be provided at a later date. ■ Overview (Scheduled) Date: Camp 1: July 6 (Saturday) Camp 2: July 13 (Saturday) Camp 3: August 3 (Saturday) Location: Jinseki International School ■ Flow of the day (Scheduled) 10:00 Doors Open 10:30 Closing Ceremony Begins 11:30 Farewell Lunch Begins 13:00 Dismissal, Departure of Shuttle Buses 13:00 School Orientation Begins - Scheduled to End at 14:30 (60 minutes for school orientation / 30 minutes for school tour) 【Notes】 There will be no shuttle bus service available for families traveling between Fukuyama Station or Hiroshima Airport and the campsite. Families attending on the final day should use their own cars or taxis. For those attending the school orientation and planning to use the bullet train or airplane for their return trip, please consider the travel time when making arrangements. Recommended schedules will not be provided.
  • Registration of participant information (Deadline: Varies for each notification)
    Please register your child's information and upload their photo using the form below. This information is necessary for class placement and preparation of T-shirts, so we appreciate your cooperation in registering as soon as possible. Participant Information Registration Form [Deadlines] For those who received the notification on April 16-17 : April 24 (Wednesday) For those who received the notification on April 22 or later::Individually specified dates
  • First day morning temperature check and COVID-19 infection control measures
    On the first day, please conduct a temperature check before leaving your home or accommodation. If your temperature measures 37.5℃ or higher, please contact the JINIS Camp office before arriving at the assembly point.。 Regarding measures against COVID-19 infection: Masks will not be required for your child's health check and to prevent heatstroke. ※ "Pledge on COVID-19 Countermeasures" is no longer required. (31 May 2024) Please ensure that you understand the contents of the "Pledge on COVID-19 Countermeasures" sign it, and bring the original copy with you.
  • Submission of documents related to allergies, medication support, and medication management (Deadline: May 31)
    When allergy management or the use of medication (oral medication, topical medication, eye drops, etc.) is necessary, the school nurse manages and supports using a designated format. Cooperation in advance submission is requested for coordination with the school nurse and kitchen staff. a. School Life Management Guidance Sheet (for allergy conditions) * Please ask the attending physician to complete it. b. Medication Management and Support Request Form c. Medication Information Provision Form or Copy of Medication Notebook [Submission Deadline *Strictly Observed] May 31 (Friday) ※For current JINIS students: If you have already submitted it to the school for the new academic year, there is no need to submit it again. Please let us know if there are any changes. [Submission Method] (1)Download the format from the following URL and fill it out: School Life Management Guidance Form (for allergy conditions) (PDF) Medication Management and Support Request Form (PDF) (2)Upload the PDF or photo via the "Submission Form": Submission Form (3)Please bring the original or a copy on the day of the camp. a. Regarding allergies: For children with allergies who require medication (including emergency medication such as Epipen), it is mandatory to submit the "School Life Management Guidance Sheet (for allergy conditions)" filled out by a physician, along with the "Medication Support and Medication Management Request Form" completed by the parent/guardian. If your child has a food allergy and you wish to remove certain foods, submission of the "School Life Management Guidance Sheet (for allergy conditions)" based on a physician's diagnosis is mandatory in accordance with the "Guidelines for Dealing with Allergic Diseases at School." As a principle, complete removal of the causative food is required to ensure safety. For symptoms or food items without submission of the "School Life Management Guidance Sheet (for allergy conditions)," management and support may become difficult. If it is difficult for your child to make avoidance decisions independently, please visit a medical institution and submit the required documents. b. Regarding the Medication Management and Support Request Form: Even if medication during the camp period is not mandatory, if there is a possibility of use or if your child will bring medication, it is necessary to submit the form. We cannot accept medications that require special skills for administration or medications that are difficult to manage. Please also submit over-the-counter medications. We cannot accept over-the-counter medications without submission. For over-the-counter medications, the following medications are provided by the school. Please submit the "Medication Support and Medication Management Request Form" only if you will bring your usual medication or other over-the-counter medications: Sunscreen Insect repellent Moisturizer c. Regarding the Medication Information Provision Form or Copy of Medication Notebook: Please submit medications prescribed by a medical institution. Submission is not required for over-the-counter medications.
  • Meeting point and time on the first day
    Please register your transportation method and meeting point/time via the dedicated form once they are decided. Please note that the deadline varies for each camp. Meeting point and times: 【A】Fukuyama Station Ticket Gates (Assembly: 12:30-13:30) 【B】Hiroshima Airport Arrivals Lobby (Assembly: 12:00-13:00) 【C】JINIS WINDS COURT at Jinseki International School (Registration: 14:00-15:00) Notes: 【A】For Fukuyama Station: Please arrive between 12:30 and 13:30. Parents will be dismissed at the meeting point. 【B】For Hiroshima Airport: Please arrive between 12:00 and 13:00. Parents will be dismissed at the meeting point. 【C】For JINIS WINDS COURT at Jinseki International School: Please arrive during the registration time from 14:00 to 15:00. Please note that registration cannot be completed before 14:00. We will take care of your child at registration. Parents cannot attend the opening ceremony or guidance. 【A、B、C】 Please have lunch on your own before coming. Lunch will not be provided at the school. Deadline for Registration of Transportation Method and Meeting Point/Time on the First Day: Camp 1: June 20 (Thursday) Camp 2: June 29 (Saturday) Camp 3: July 11th (Thursday) Registration form
  • Recommended bullet train and airplane schedules
    We would like to inform you of the recommended round-trip flights as follows. It is expected to change in the future, so please check the arrival and departure times when you make arrangements. You can use other than the recommended flight. 【First day】 Airplane(Tokyo→Hiroshima) JAL257 Haneda Airport 09:55 - Hiroshima Airport 11:20 ANA677 Haneda Airport 10:35 - Hiroshima Airport 12:00 (Arrive at 11:55 depending on the date) Bullet train(Tokyo, Shin-Osaka→Fukuyama) Nozomi No.21 Departs Tokyo 09:30 /Departs Shin-Osaka12:02 - arrives at Fukuyama13:03 Bullet train(Hakata→Fukuyama) Nozomi No. 24 Departs Hakata11:15 - arrives at Fukuyama 12:41 【Last day】 Airplane(Hiroshima→Tokyo) JAL262 Hiroshima Airport 16:40 - Haneda Airport 18:15 ANA680  Hiroshima Airport 15:20 - Haneda Airport 16:45 Bullet train(Fukuyama→Shin-Osaka, Tokyo) Nozomi No. 32 Departs Fukuyama 14:41 - arrives at Shin-Osaka 15:43/Tokyo 18:15 Bullet train(Fukuyama→Hakata) Sakura No. 557  Departs Fukuyama 14:27 - arrives at Hakata 15:59 【Notes】 If you plan to attend the school orientation on the final day, please note that you may not be able to catch the recommended bullet train or airplane schedule. If you plan to use the bullet train or airplane for your return trip, please make arrangements considering the travel time. School orientation: Scheduled to start at 13:00 and end at 14:30 Travel time to Fukuyama Station: Approximately 60 minutes by car Travel time to Hiroshima Airport: Approximately 90 minutes by car If you are using the children's support service of the respective airline, you will be provided with a contact person later.
  • Invoice for participation fee (Due date: As indicated on the invoice)
    We have sent you the invoice by email. Please review the invoice details and make the payment to the following account by the deadline. If payment is not received by the deadline, your registration will be canceled. Please note that the registration fee (¥50,000) cannot be refunded in such cases. ​ [Bank Account Information] Bank: Mizuho Bank, Kojimachi Branch SWIFT/BIC: MHCBJPJ6XXX Account Number: 1439580 Account Name: カ)ジセダイキョウイクカンキョウカイハツ *Please bear the remittance fees. ​ [Cancellation Policy] Regarding the participation fee, no refunds will be provided for cancellations made by participants after payment. If the organisers cancel the camp, a full refund of the participation fee, excluding the deposit, will be issued.
  • 最終日 ご来場手段/会場・駅・空港へのお迎えについて
    ■ご来場の際の交通手段について ご家族の方は各自でお車、タクシーをご利用ください。復路につきましても各自でご手配もお願いいたします 福山駅および広島空港への送迎バスは、ご家族が来場されないお子様のみご利用いただけます ■会場または駅・空港へのお迎えにつきまして キャンプ会場にお迎えの場合 13:00までにJINIS WINDS COURTへお越しください 福山駅および広島空港でお迎えの場合 送迎バスでお送りいたします 14:00までにご到着ください 当日の交通状況により送迎バスの到着時刻は前後する可能性がございます ■お子様だけでの帰宅につきまして 広島空港および福山駅まで送迎バスでお送りいたします 空港はキッズサービス受け渡し、または出発ロビーまで、新幹線は指定座席までスタッフが付き添います 復路チケットならびに航空会社へ提出するサービス利用の誓約書の持参をお忘れの場合は、JINIS Camp事務局までご連絡ください
  • 神石インターナショナルスクールへの出願を検討されている方へ
    神石インターナショナルスクールへの出願を検討されている方は、9月21日(土)東京会場・神石会場(日程要相談)にて入学・転入学試験を受けることができます。 席数に限りがありますので、ご希望の方はAdmissions Officeまでメールまたは「JINISお問い合わせフォーム」よりご連絡ください。 すでに出願されている方のお席は確保しております。
  • Home use guide (list of items to bring, etc.), pledge, etc.
    For those who have confirmed their payment of the participation fee, various documents will be sent from mid-May. If you have moved after pre-entry, please register your latest address during the "Registration of Participant Information". 【A】For residents within Japan or those who prefer to receive items at a Japanese address: We will mail the following items (1) to (4) to the registered address. If you move after pre-registration or if you live abroad but wish to receive items in Japan, please update your address during the "Registration of Participant Information." 【B】For residents outside Japan: We will provide the following items (1) to (3) in downloadable format. Please prepare a ziplock bag (4) on your own. Please refer to the sample and pack your belongings accordingly. [Items to be Sent (Planned)] Home use guide for JINIS Camp (list of items to bring, etc.) Pledge on COVID-19 Countermeasures Documents regarding exemption from liability and consent agreements Submission documents (original or copy), and a ziplock bag for organizing medications.
  • Regarding the bus service
    【On the first day】 If you plan to use the shuttle bus from Fukuyama Station or Hiroshima Airport on the first day, please arrive at the meeting point within the designated time. Once you arrive, please wait on the bus until departure time. We will depart once all registered participants have gathered, after the designated meeting time has passed. If there are any changes to your transportation plans, please be sure to contact the office in advance. 【On the last day】 Shuttle bus service to Fukuyama Station or Hiroshima Airport is available only for children whose guardians do not come to the campsite. 【Notes on shuttle bus service】 There is no shuttle bus service available for families travelling between Fukuyama Station or Hiroshima Airport and the campsite. If you are attending on the last day, please arrange your own transportation by car or taxi.
  • 最終日のスケジュール
    修了式では、お子様がキャンプの成果を発表いたします。是非ご家族の方もご来場ください。ご兄弟姉妹のお子様もご出席いただけます。 キャンプのプログラムはフェアウェルランチまでとなります。お子様はフェアウェルランチまでの参加が基本となります。 日程:7月6日(土) 会場:神石インターナショナルスクール JINIS WINDS COURT [アクセス] ※分岐点に看板がございます。案内に沿って「JINIS WINDS COURT」へお進みください 当日の流れ: 10:30 開場 11:00 修了式 開始 11:30 フェアウェルランチ開始 13:00 解散、送迎バス 出発 13:00【希望者のみ】学校説明会 開始〜14:30終了予定(学校説明60分/学校見学30分) [ご来場の皆様] ご家族の方は10:30〜11:00までにJINIS WINDS COURTへお越しください フェアウェルランチ終了後は自由解散です [学校説明会について] 学校施設のご案内と2024年9月編入および来年度の入試についてご説明いたします
  • 最終日 お子様の帰宅手段・ご家族の出欠の登録(期日:6月24日)
    以下のフォームよりお子様の帰宅手段・ご家族の出欠をご登録ください。 安全対策の一環としてのご入場者リストを作成いたしますため、出席をご希望の方は人数をお知らせください。 福山駅および広島空港までお子様の送迎をご希望の場合は、送迎バスの座席確保がございますため、お早めにご登録をお願いいたします。   【最終日】帰宅手段・出欠のご登録(期日 6月24日(月)まで) ◾️日本語: ◾️English: [注意事項] ご家族が修了式のみでご帰宅される場合は、お子様もフェアウェルランチには参加せずご家族と一緒に帰宅となります 学校説明会は出席登録をされた方のみご参加いただけます 福山駅・広島空港と会場を往復するご家族向けの送迎バスはございません。ご家族の方は各自でお車、タクシーをご利用ください ご家族が来場されるお子様は、送迎バスはご利用いただけません
  • Registration of transportation method and meeting point on the first day (Deadline: June 20)
    Please register your transportation method and meeting location/time using the form below: [Registration Form] [Registration Deadline] June 20 (Thursday) [Notes] If there are any changes after registration but before the deadline, please indicate the changes in the remarks section and register again. If there are any changes after the deadline, please contact the JINIS Camp office via email. If you plan to use the shuttle bus service, please contact us early as seats are limited.
  • 最終日のスケジュール
    修了式では、お子様がキャンプの成果を発表いたします。是非ご家族の方もご来場ください。ご兄弟姉妹のお子様もご出席いただけます。 キャンプのプログラムはフェアウェルランチまでとなります。お子様はフェアウェルランチまでの参加が基本となります。 日程:7月13日(土) 会場:神石インターナショナルスクール JINIS WINDS COURT [アクセス] ※分岐点に看板がございます。案内に沿って「JINIS WINDS COURT」へお進みください 当日の流れ: 10:30 開場 11:00 修了式 開始 11:30 フェアウェルランチ開始 13:00 解散、送迎バス 出発 13:00【希望者のみ】学校説明会 開始〜14:30終了予定(学校説明60分/学校見学30分) [ご来場の皆様] ご家族の方は10:30〜11:00までにJINIS WINDS COURTへお越しください フェアウェルランチ終了後は自由解散です [学校説明会について] 学校施設のご案内と2024年9月編入および来年度の入試についてご説明いたします
  • 最終日 お子様の帰宅手段・ご家族の出欠の登録(期日:6月29日)
    以下のフォームよりお子様の帰宅手段・ご家族の出欠をご登録ください。 安全対策の一環としてのご入場者リストを作成いたしますため、出席をご希望の方は人数をお知らせください。 福山駅および広島空港までお子様の送迎をご希望の場合は、送迎バスの座席確保がございますため、お早めにご登録をお願いいたします。   【最終日】帰宅手段・出欠のご登録(期日 6月29日(土)まで) ◾️日本語: ◾️English: [注意事項] ご家族が修了式のみでご帰宅される場合は、お子様もフェアウェルランチには参加せずご家族と一緒に帰宅となります 学校説明会は出席登録をされた方のみご参加いただけます 福山駅・広島空港と会場を往復するご家族向けの送迎バスはございません。ご家族の方は各自でお車、タクシーをご利用ください ご家族が来場されるお子様は、送迎バスはご利用いただけません
  • Registration of transportation method and meeting point on the first day (Deadline: June 29)
    Please register your transportation method and meeting location/time using the form below: [Registration Form] [Registration Deadline] June 29 (Saturday) [Notes] If there are any changes after registration but before the deadline, please indicate the changes in the remarks section and register again. If there are any changes after the deadline, please contact the JINIS Camp office via email. If you plan to use the shuttle bus service, please contact us early as seats are limited.
  • 最終日のスケジュール
    修了式では、お子様がキャンプの成果を発表いたします。是非ご家族の方もご来場ください。ご兄弟姉妹のお子様もご出席いただけます。 キャンプのプログラムはフェアウェルランチまでとなります。お子様はフェアウェルランチまでの参加が基本となります。 日程:8月3日(土) 会場:神石インターナショナルスクール JINIS WINDS COURT [アクセス] ※分岐点に看板がございます。案内に沿って「JINIS WINDS COURT」へお進みください 当日の流れ: 10:00 開場 10:30 修了式 開始 11:30 フェアウェルランチ開始 13:00 解散、送迎バス 出発 13:00【希望者のみ】学校説明会 開始〜14:30終了予定(学校説明60分/学校見学30分) [ご来場の皆様] ご家族の方は10:00〜10:30までにJINIS WINDS COURTへお越しください フェアウェルランチ終了後は自由解散です [学校説明会について] 学校施設のご案内と2024年9月編入および来年度の入試についてご説明いたします
  • 最終日 お子様の帰宅手段・ご家族の出欠の登録(期日:7月27日)
    以下のフォームよりお子様の帰宅手段・ご家族の出欠をご登録ください。 安全対策の一環としてのご入場者リストを作成いたしますため、出席をご希望の方は人数をお知らせください。 福山駅および広島空港までお子様の送迎をご希望の場合は、送迎バスの座席確保がございますため、お早めにご登録をお願いいたします。   【最終日】帰宅手段・出欠のご登録(期日 7月27日(土)まで) ◾️日本語: ◾️English: [注意事項] ご家族が修了式のみでご帰宅される場合は、お子様もフェアウェルランチには参加せずご家族と一緒に帰宅となります 学校説明会は出席登録をされた方のみご参加いただけます 福山駅・広島空港と会場を往復するご家族向けの送迎バスはございません。ご家族の方は各自でお車、タクシーをご利用ください ご家族が来場されるお子様は、送迎バスはご利用いただけません
  • Registration of transportation method and meeting point on the first day (Deadline: July 11)
    Please register your transportation method and meeting location/time using the form below: [Registration Form] [Registration Deadline] July 11 (Thursday) [Notes] If there are any changes after registration but before the deadline, please indicate the changes in the remarks section and register again. If there are any changes after the deadline, please contact the JINIS Camp office via email. If you plan to use the shuttle bus service, please contact us early as seats are limited.
  • Is it possible to join the camp midway?
    It is possible to join the camp midway due to various circumstances or to temporarily stay outside the camp. If you plan to join the camp midway, please contact the JINIS Camp office ( in advance with details. During the camp period, parents or guardians arrange transportation to the venue. Please use your own vehicle, taxi, or other means of transportation. If your child needs to travel alone due to unavoidable circumstances, please discuss with us. Except for funerals or temporary returns determined by the organizers, we are unable to accommodate private reasons for leaving the camp during the camp period.
  • How long does it take from Fukuyama Station/ Hiroshima Airport to JINIS?
    Here are the transportation methods and estimated travel times from Fukuyama Station and Hiroshima Airport to the campsite. Please note that transportation is limited to private vehicles (personal cars, rental cars, taxis) only.  Camp shuttle buses are available only for participating children on the first and last days of the camp. Estimated travel times (subject to variations depending on traffic conditions): From Fukuyama Station: Approximately 60 minutes From Hiroshima Airport: Approximately 90 minutes
  • What happens to the participation fee if I join or leave the camp midway?
    We do not offer reductions in participation fees for shortened participation periods.
  • What should I do if parents cannot pick up the child due to sudden illness or other emergencies?
    Please contact the JINIS Camp office (  In case of emergency, please call the emergency contact number listed in your family guidebook.
  • How are classes and rooms determined? Is it possible to make requests?
    Classes and rooms are organised based on age and English proficiency level. We regret that we are unable to accommodate individual requests. For boarding rooms, floors are separated by gender.
  • Will the participation fee (including registration fee) be refunded if I cancel due to various circumstances?
    As stated in our cancellation policy, we do not offer refunds for cancellations made by participants after payment, regardless of the circumstances. In the event of cancellation by the organizer, we will refund the full participation fee excluding the registration fee.
  • Can you help with tasks like tying hair?
    We will do our best to accommodate such requests. However, please understand that due to a large number of children and the morning rush, we may not always be able to fulfill every request. We will prioritise tasks to ensure they do not interfere with the day's activities. Your understanding in this matter would be greatly appreciated.
  • Can my child bring a mobile phone to the camp?
    Generally, we discourage campers from bringing mobile phones to the camp. However, if your child travels alone by plane or bullet train, they may bring a mobile phone. We will collect and hold onto it upon arrival at the camp and return it upon departure. In case of emergencies or accidents where we need to contact parents, we will contact the camp office.
  • Can you assist with tasks like shampooing during bathing and finishing brushing teeth?
    We check to ensure proper bathing during bath time. Additionally, we provide assistance with finishing brushing teeth for children in year groups of kindergarten and first grade. Please note that participation in the camp assumes that children are capable of managing their personal hygiene independently.
  • Can parents and children exchange letters during the camp?
    We welcome letters from parents to their children during the camp. Please address the letter with your child's name and send it to the following address: JINIS Camp [Child's Name] 5020-77 Tokiyasu, Jinsekikogen-cho, Jinseki-gun, Hiroshima 720-1603 Japan For children celebrating birthdays during the camp, we also accept birthday cards. Please consider delivery times when sending them. Please also indicate on the envelope [the date you wish to give the card to the child]. *Birthday cards are no longer accepted. (May 2024) *We cannot reply from children. We appreciate your understanding in advance.
  • Can I know how my child is doing during the camp?
    Typically, we provide updates on your child's well-being every day around 8:00 PM via a private Facebook group. To access the updates, you'll need to request to join the group. Please note that this group is exclusive, and only approved individuals, such as parents and guardians, are allowed to join. We do not approve requests from individuals outside of this category (e.g., relatives). Once we verify that you're a parent or guardian based on the information provided, we'll approve your request to join the group. Please ensure that your name matches the one registered in the participant information. Further details will be provided via email on the first day of the camp.
  • Can my child bring their musical instruments or training equipment to the camp?
    We kindly ask that campers refrain from bringing musical instruments or training equipment to the camp. There is a risk of loss, damage, or injury to other campers if items are brought into shared living spaces.
  • Can my child bring a mobile phone to the camp?
    Generally, we discourage campers from bringing mobile phones to the camp. However, if your child travels alone by plane or bullet train, they may bring a mobile phone. We will collect and hold onto it upon arrival at the camp and return it upon departure. In case of emergencies or accidents where we need to contact parents, we will contact the camp office.
  • Are hairdryers provided? Can we bring our own?
    Hairdryers are provided at the camp. However, personal hairdryers are not allowed due to concerns about loss, damage, and potential injury to other children in the same room.
  • Can I bring my orthodontic headgear?
    Please contact the JINIS Camp office ( in advance.
  • Can I bring homework to the camp?
    Yes, you are welcome to bring homework to the camp. There will be time allocated after dinner for homework completion. If evenings are busy with camp activities, including evening programs, there may not always be time for homework. In such cases, please understand that completing homework may not be possible every day. While we encourage campers to complete their homework, we prioritise their overall well-being. If your child is feeling tired or overwhelmed, they are welcome to take a break from homework. There is no specific requirement for the amount of homework to bring. We suggest prioritising essential tasks and considering the overall camp experience. Please be aware that we cannot guarantee that all homework brought to camp will be completed.
  • What should I do if I forget something?
    Please contact the JINIS Camp office ( When sending the item, please make sure to include your child's name and send it to the following address: 〒720-1603 Jinsekikogen-cho, Jinseki-gun, Hiroshima 5020-77 JINIS Camp, Jinsei International School [Child's Name]
  • Can we bring diapers?
    Yes, you may bring diapers for your child. Our house parents will assist with diaper changes. We also provide bedwetting sheets for your convenience.
  • In the event of an outbreak of infectious diseases such as COVID-19 during the camp, what will happen to the camp duration?
    Generally, there will be no changes to the camp duration. However, depending on the situation, we may have to cancel the closing ceremony, farewell lunch, and school orientation session on the final day.
  • What measures are taken in case of sudden illness?
    If the nurse deems it necessary, the participant will be taken to a medical facility for further evaluation and treatment. Depending on the symptoms, a PCR test may be conducted. Participants exhibiting the following symptoms will be required to wear masks and sleep in separate rooms for observation until improvement: cough, sore throat, headache, vomiting, and fever of 37.5℃ or higher. They will resume normal activities once their condition improves.
  • Response to a Positive Case of COVID-19 at the Camp
    In the event of a confirmed case of COVID-19, the following measures will be taken: ●For the Affected Child:     Contacting the parents/guardians. Contact the local health authorities (the child's name will be provided). Isolation in a designated room. Return to the camp after the isolation period ends. ●For Other Children:      Activities will be carried out as normal. Those who are unwell will be monitored and dealt with as necessary.
  • How are medical expenses managed in case of sudden illness?
    Payment can be made by bank transfer or, if parents are present on the last day of school, cash payment at the venue.
  • Is wearing a mask mandatory?
    Wearing a mask is generally not required for the children's health check and to prevent heatstroke.
  • What nursing support is available at JINIS Camp?
    We have a comprehensive nursing system in place to ensure the well-being of all participants. During the day, we have a school nurse available, and during the night, we have House Parents who are qualified nurses on duty, providing round-the-clock nursing support. This ensures that participants have access to medical assistance and care at all times.
  • How does JINIS Camp handle food allergies?
    If exclusionary meals are requested, we require the submission of a "School Life Management Guidance Sheet for Allergic Diseases" based on the "Guidelines for School Measures against Allergic Diseases" with a physician's diagnosis. If there are specific requirements, such as severe allergies, particularly to trigger foods like buckwheat or the use of utensils previously used to cook allergenic foods, please make sure to declare them. While prioritising safety for children with food allergies, we strive to provide meals. However, for safety reasons, we primarily focus on completely removing the allergenic food. If ingredients from the 20 quasi-major allergens are included in addition to the seven major allergens, we display food allergy labels alongside the menu names at the buffet lines and encourage children to verify the contents themselves. Although we take meticulous care in handling allergies, since general and special menus are prepared in the same kitchen, there is a possibility of cross-contamination during processing or cooking processes. Additionally, utensils used for special menus are washed in the same dishwasher as other utensils, so please be aware of this.
  • What types of medications require submission of a medication support and management request form?
    Medications prescribed by medical institutions, including regular medications (such as those taken daily after meals or topical medications) and temporary medications (such as short-term medications), are applicable. Even if they are not regular medications, if there is a possibility of their use and you have them, please make sure to submit them. We cannot provide medications (including supplements) that are not submitted or listed.   In case of emergencies (such as seizures, agitation, or symptomatic allergies) requiring emergency medications: For children with allergies requiring administration of emergency medication (including EpiPens), submission of a "School Life Management Guidance Sheet for Allergic Diseases" filled out by a physician and a "Medication Support and Management Request Form" filled out by the parent or guardian is mandatory.   Medications requiring special techniques or those that are difficult to manage cannot be accepted for storage. Please also submit over-the-counter medications. Over-the-counter medications without submission cannot be accepted for storage. Regarding over-the-counter medications, the school provides the following medications. Please submit a "Medication Support and Management Request Form" only if you are bringing your usual medications or other over-the-counter medications: Sunscreen Insect repellent Moisturizer

Camp 2 participants

  • Information for the last day
    Family members are welcome to attend the closing ceremony, farewell lunch, and school orientation on the final day, although participation is optional. During the closing ceremony, your child will present their achievements from the camp. During the school orientation, we will provide information about the school facilities and explain the process for admissions in September 2024 and the entrance exams for the next academic year. Please consider attending this session. Details about the final day and how to register for parents' participation will be provided at a later date. ■ Overview (Scheduled) Date: Camp 1: July 6 (Saturday) Camp 2: July 13 (Saturday) Camp 3: August 3 (Saturday) Location: Jinseki International School ■ Flow of the day (Scheduled) 10:00 Doors Open 10:30 Closing Ceremony Begins 11:30 Farewell Lunch Begins 13:00 Dismissal, Departure of Shuttle Buses 13:00 School Orientation Begins - Scheduled to End at 14:30 (60 minutes for school orientation / 30 minutes for school tour) 【Notes】 There will be no shuttle bus service available for families traveling between Fukuyama Station or Hiroshima Airport and the campsite. Families attending on the final day should use their own cars or taxis. For those attending the school orientation and planning to use the bullet train or airplane for their return trip, please consider the travel time when making arrangements. Recommended schedules will not be provided.
  • Registration of participant information (Deadline: Varies for each notification)
    Please register your child's information and upload their photo using the form below. This information is necessary for class placement and preparation of T-shirts, so we appreciate your cooperation in registering as soon as possible. Participant Information Registration Form [Deadlines] For those who received the notification on April 16-17 : April 24 (Wednesday) For those who received the notification on April 22 or later::Individually specified dates
  • First day morning temperature check and COVID-19 infection control measures
    On the first day, please conduct a temperature check before leaving your home or accommodation. If your temperature measures 37.5℃ or higher, please contact the JINIS Camp office before arriving at the assembly point.。 Regarding measures against COVID-19 infection: Masks will not be required for your child's health check and to prevent heatstroke. ※ "Pledge on COVID-19 Countermeasures" is no longer required. (31 May 2024) Please ensure that you understand the contents of the "Pledge on COVID-19 Countermeasures" sign it, and bring the original copy with you.
  • Submission of documents related to allergies, medication support, and medication management (Deadline: May 31)
    When allergy management or the use of medication (oral medication, topical medication, eye drops, etc.) is necessary, the school nurse manages and supports using a designated format. Cooperation in advance submission is requested for coordination with the school nurse and kitchen staff. a. School Life Management Guidance Sheet (for allergy conditions) * Please ask the attending physician to complete it. b. Medication Management and Support Request Form c. Medication Information Provision Form or Copy of Medication Notebook [Submission Deadline *Strictly Observed] May 31 (Friday) ※For current JINIS students: If you have already submitted it to the school for the new academic year, there is no need to submit it again. Please let us know if there are any changes. [Submission Method] (1)Download the format from the following URL and fill it out: School Life Management Guidance Form (for allergy conditions) (PDF) Medication Management and Support Request Form (PDF) (2)Upload the PDF or photo via the "Submission Form": Submission Form (3)Please bring the original or a copy on the day of the camp. a. Regarding allergies: For children with allergies who require medication (including emergency medication such as Epipen), it is mandatory to submit the "School Life Management Guidance Sheet (for allergy conditions)" filled out by a physician, along with the "Medication Support and Medication Management Request Form" completed by the parent/guardian. If your child has a food allergy and you wish to remove certain foods, submission of the "School Life Management Guidance Sheet (for allergy conditions)" based on a physician's diagnosis is mandatory in accordance with the "Guidelines for Dealing with Allergic Diseases at School." As a principle, complete removal of the causative food is required to ensure safety. For symptoms or food items without submission of the "School Life Management Guidance Sheet (for allergy conditions)," management and support may become difficult. If it is difficult for your child to make avoidance decisions independently, please visit a medical institution and submit the required documents. b. Regarding the Medication Management and Support Request Form: Even if medication during the camp period is not mandatory, if there is a possibility of use or if your child will bring medication, it is necessary to submit the form. We cannot accept medications that require special skills for administration or medications that are difficult to manage. Please also submit over-the-counter medications. We cannot accept over-the-counter medications without submission. For over-the-counter medications, the following medications are provided by the school. Please submit the "Medication Support and Medication Management Request Form" only if you will bring your usual medication or other over-the-counter medications: Sunscreen Insect repellent Moisturizer c. Regarding the Medication Information Provision Form or Copy of Medication Notebook: Please submit medications prescribed by a medical institution. Submission is not required for over-the-counter medications.
  • Meeting point and time on the first day
    Please register your transportation method and meeting point/time via the dedicated form once they are decided. Please note that the deadline varies for each camp. Meeting point and times: 【A】Fukuyama Station Ticket Gates (Assembly: 12:30-13:30) 【B】Hiroshima Airport Arrivals Lobby (Assembly: 12:00-13:00) 【C】JINIS WINDS COURT at Jinseki International School (Registration: 14:00-15:00) Notes: 【A】For Fukuyama Station: Please arrive between 12:30 and 13:30. Parents will be dismissed at the meeting point. 【B】For Hiroshima Airport: Please arrive between 12:00 and 13:00. Parents will be dismissed at the meeting point. 【C】For JINIS WINDS COURT at Jinseki International School: Please arrive during the registration time from 14:00 to 15:00. Please note that registration cannot be completed before 14:00. We will take care of your child at registration. Parents cannot attend the opening ceremony or guidance. 【A、B、C】 Please have lunch on your own before coming. Lunch will not be provided at the school. Deadline for Registration of Transportation Method and Meeting Point/Time on the First Day: Camp 1: June 20 (Thursday) Camp 2: June 29 (Saturday) Camp 3: July 11th (Thursday) Registration form
  • Recommended bullet train and airplane schedules
    We would like to inform you of the recommended round-trip flights as follows. It is expected to change in the future, so please check the arrival and departure times when you make arrangements. You can use other than the recommended flight. 【First day】 Airplane(Tokyo→Hiroshima) JAL257 Haneda Airport 09:55 - Hiroshima Airport 11:20 ANA677 Haneda Airport 10:35 - Hiroshima Airport 12:00 (Arrive at 11:55 depending on the date) Bullet train(Tokyo, Shin-Osaka→Fukuyama) Nozomi No.21 Departs Tokyo 09:30 /Departs Shin-Osaka12:02 - arrives at Fukuyama13:03 Bullet train(Hakata→Fukuyama) Nozomi No. 24 Departs Hakata11:15 - arrives at Fukuyama 12:41 【Last day】 Airplane(Hiroshima→Tokyo) JAL262 Hiroshima Airport 16:40 - Haneda Airport 18:15 ANA680  Hiroshima Airport 15:20 - Haneda Airport 16:45 Bullet train(Fukuyama→Shin-Osaka, Tokyo) Nozomi No. 32 Departs Fukuyama 14:41 - arrives at Shin-Osaka 15:43/Tokyo 18:15 Bullet train(Fukuyama→Hakata) Sakura No. 557  Departs Fukuyama 14:27 - arrives at Hakata 15:59 【Notes】 If you plan to attend the school orientation on the final day, please note that you may not be able to catch the recommended bullet train or airplane schedule. If you plan to use the bullet train or airplane for your return trip, please make arrangements considering the travel time. School orientation: Scheduled to start at 13:00 and end at 14:30 Travel time to Fukuyama Station: Approximately 60 minutes by car Travel time to Hiroshima Airport: Approximately 90 minutes by car If you are using the children's support service of the respective airline, you will be provided with a contact person later.
  • Invoice for participation fee (Due date: As indicated on the invoice)
    We have sent you the invoice by email. Please review the invoice details and make the payment to the following account by the deadline. If payment is not received by the deadline, your registration will be canceled. Please note that the registration fee (¥50,000) cannot be refunded in such cases. ​ [Bank Account Information] Bank: Mizuho Bank, Kojimachi Branch SWIFT/BIC: MHCBJPJ6XXX Account Number: 1439580 Account Name: カ)ジセダイキョウイクカンキョウカイハツ *Please bear the remittance fees. ​ [Cancellation Policy] Regarding the participation fee, no refunds will be provided for cancellations made by participants after payment. If the organisers cancel the camp, a full refund of the participation fee, excluding the deposit, will be issued.
  • 最終日 ご来場手段/会場・駅・空港へのお迎えについて
    ■ご来場の際の交通手段について ご家族の方は各自でお車、タクシーをご利用ください。復路につきましても各自でご手配もお願いいたします 福山駅および広島空港への送迎バスは、ご家族が来場されないお子様のみご利用いただけます ■会場または駅・空港へのお迎えにつきまして キャンプ会場にお迎えの場合 13:00までにJINIS WINDS COURTへお越しください 福山駅および広島空港でお迎えの場合 送迎バスでお送りいたします 14:00までにご到着ください 当日の交通状況により送迎バスの到着時刻は前後する可能性がございます ■お子様だけでの帰宅につきまして 広島空港および福山駅まで送迎バスでお送りいたします 空港はキッズサービス受け渡し、または出発ロビーまで、新幹線は指定座席までスタッフが付き添います 復路チケットならびに航空会社へ提出するサービス利用の誓約書の持参をお忘れの場合は、JINIS Camp事務局までご連絡ください
  • 神石インターナショナルスクールへの出願を検討されている方へ
    神石インターナショナルスクールへの出願を検討されている方は、9月21日(土)東京会場・神石会場(日程要相談)にて入学・転入学試験を受けることができます。 席数に限りがありますので、ご希望の方はAdmissions Officeまでメールまたは「JINISお問い合わせフォーム」よりご連絡ください。 すでに出願されている方のお席は確保しております。
  • Home use guide (list of items to bring, etc.), pledge, etc.
    For those who have confirmed their payment of the participation fee, various documents will be sent from mid-May. If you have moved after pre-entry, please register your latest address during the "Registration of Participant Information". 【A】For residents within Japan or those who prefer to receive items at a Japanese address: We will mail the following items (1) to (4) to the registered address. If you move after pre-registration or if you live abroad but wish to receive items in Japan, please update your address during the "Registration of Participant Information." 【B】For residents outside Japan: We will provide the following items (1) to (3) in downloadable format. Please prepare a ziplock bag (4) on your own. Please refer to the sample and pack your belongings accordingly. [Items to be Sent (Planned)] Home use guide for JINIS Camp (list of items to bring, etc.) Pledge on COVID-19 Countermeasures Documents regarding exemption from liability and consent agreements Submission documents (original or copy), and a ziplock bag for organizing medications.
  • Regarding the bus service
    【On the first day】 If you plan to use the shuttle bus from Fukuyama Station or Hiroshima Airport on the first day, please arrive at the meeting point within the designated time. Once you arrive, please wait on the bus until departure time. We will depart once all registered participants have gathered, after the designated meeting time has passed. If there are any changes to your transportation plans, please be sure to contact the office in advance. 【On the last day】 Shuttle bus service to Fukuyama Station or Hiroshima Airport is available only for children whose guardians do not come to the campsite. 【Notes on shuttle bus service】 There is no shuttle bus service available for families travelling between Fukuyama Station or Hiroshima Airport and the campsite. If you are attending on the last day, please arrange your own transportation by car or taxi.
  • 最終日のスケジュール
    修了式では、お子様がキャンプの成果を発表いたします。是非ご家族の方もご来場ください。ご兄弟姉妹のお子様もご出席いただけます。 キャンプのプログラムはフェアウェルランチまでとなります。お子様はフェアウェルランチまでの参加が基本となります。 日程:7月6日(土) 会場:神石インターナショナルスクール JINIS WINDS COURT [アクセス] ※分岐点に看板がございます。案内に沿って「JINIS WINDS COURT」へお進みください 当日の流れ: 10:30 開場 11:00 修了式 開始 11:30 フェアウェルランチ開始 13:00 解散、送迎バス 出発 13:00【希望者のみ】学校説明会 開始〜14:30終了予定(学校説明60分/学校見学30分) [ご来場の皆様] ご家族の方は10:30〜11:00までにJINIS WINDS COURTへお越しください フェアウェルランチ終了後は自由解散です [学校説明会について] 学校施設のご案内と2024年9月編入および来年度の入試についてご説明いたします
  • 最終日 お子様の帰宅手段・ご家族の出欠の登録(期日:6月24日)
    以下のフォームよりお子様の帰宅手段・ご家族の出欠をご登録ください。 安全対策の一環としてのご入場者リストを作成いたしますため、出席をご希望の方は人数をお知らせください。 福山駅および広島空港までお子様の送迎をご希望の場合は、送迎バスの座席確保がございますため、お早めにご登録をお願いいたします。   【最終日】帰宅手段・出欠のご登録(期日 6月24日(月)まで) ◾️日本語: ◾️English: [注意事項] ご家族が修了式のみでご帰宅される場合は、お子様もフェアウェルランチには参加せずご家族と一緒に帰宅となります 学校説明会は出席登録をされた方のみご参加いただけます 福山駅・広島空港と会場を往復するご家族向けの送迎バスはございません。ご家族の方は各自でお車、タクシーをご利用ください ご家族が来場されるお子様は、送迎バスはご利用いただけません
  • Registration of transportation method and meeting point on the first day (Deadline: June 20)
    Please register your transportation method and meeting location/time using the form below: [Registration Form] [Registration Deadline] June 20 (Thursday) [Notes] If there are any changes after registration but before the deadline, please indicate the changes in the remarks section and register again. If there are any changes after the deadline, please contact the JINIS Camp office via email. If you plan to use the shuttle bus service, please contact us early as seats are limited.
  • 最終日のスケジュール
    修了式では、お子様がキャンプの成果を発表いたします。是非ご家族の方もご来場ください。ご兄弟姉妹のお子様もご出席いただけます。 キャンプのプログラムはフェアウェルランチまでとなります。お子様はフェアウェルランチまでの参加が基本となります。 日程:7月13日(土) 会場:神石インターナショナルスクール JINIS WINDS COURT [アクセス] ※分岐点に看板がございます。案内に沿って「JINIS WINDS COURT」へお進みください 当日の流れ: 10:30 開場 11:00 修了式 開始 11:30 フェアウェルランチ開始 13:00 解散、送迎バス 出発 13:00【希望者のみ】学校説明会 開始〜14:30終了予定(学校説明60分/学校見学30分) [ご来場の皆様] ご家族の方は10:30〜11:00までにJINIS WINDS COURTへお越しください フェアウェルランチ終了後は自由解散です [学校説明会について] 学校施設のご案内と2024年9月編入および来年度の入試についてご説明いたします
  • 最終日 お子様の帰宅手段・ご家族の出欠の登録(期日:6月29日)
    以下のフォームよりお子様の帰宅手段・ご家族の出欠をご登録ください。 安全対策の一環としてのご入場者リストを作成いたしますため、出席をご希望の方は人数をお知らせください。 福山駅および広島空港までお子様の送迎をご希望の場合は、送迎バスの座席確保がございますため、お早めにご登録をお願いいたします。   【最終日】帰宅手段・出欠のご登録(期日 6月29日(土)まで) ◾️日本語: ◾️English: [注意事項] ご家族が修了式のみでご帰宅される場合は、お子様もフェアウェルランチには参加せずご家族と一緒に帰宅となります 学校説明会は出席登録をされた方のみご参加いただけます 福山駅・広島空港と会場を往復するご家族向けの送迎バスはございません。ご家族の方は各自でお車、タクシーをご利用ください ご家族が来場されるお子様は、送迎バスはご利用いただけません
  • Registration of transportation method and meeting point on the first day (Deadline: June 29)
    Please register your transportation method and meeting location/time using the form below: [Registration Form] [Registration Deadline] June 29 (Saturday) [Notes] If there are any changes after registration but before the deadline, please indicate the changes in the remarks section and register again. If there are any changes after the deadline, please contact the JINIS Camp office via email. If you plan to use the shuttle bus service, please contact us early as seats are limited.
  • 最終日のスケジュール
    修了式では、お子様がキャンプの成果を発表いたします。是非ご家族の方もご来場ください。ご兄弟姉妹のお子様もご出席いただけます。 キャンプのプログラムはフェアウェルランチまでとなります。お子様はフェアウェルランチまでの参加が基本となります。 日程:8月3日(土) 会場:神石インターナショナルスクール JINIS WINDS COURT [アクセス] ※分岐点に看板がございます。案内に沿って「JINIS WINDS COURT」へお進みください 当日の流れ: 10:00 開場 10:30 修了式 開始 11:30 フェアウェルランチ開始 13:00 解散、送迎バス 出発 13:00【希望者のみ】学校説明会 開始〜14:30終了予定(学校説明60分/学校見学30分) [ご来場の皆様] ご家族の方は10:00〜10:30までにJINIS WINDS COURTへお越しください フェアウェルランチ終了後は自由解散です [学校説明会について] 学校施設のご案内と2024年9月編入および来年度の入試についてご説明いたします
  • 最終日 お子様の帰宅手段・ご家族の出欠の登録(期日:7月27日)
    以下のフォームよりお子様の帰宅手段・ご家族の出欠をご登録ください。 安全対策の一環としてのご入場者リストを作成いたしますため、出席をご希望の方は人数をお知らせください。 福山駅および広島空港までお子様の送迎をご希望の場合は、送迎バスの座席確保がございますため、お早めにご登録をお願いいたします。   【最終日】帰宅手段・出欠のご登録(期日 7月27日(土)まで) ◾️日本語: ◾️English: [注意事項] ご家族が修了式のみでご帰宅される場合は、お子様もフェアウェルランチには参加せずご家族と一緒に帰宅となります 学校説明会は出席登録をされた方のみご参加いただけます 福山駅・広島空港と会場を往復するご家族向けの送迎バスはございません。ご家族の方は各自でお車、タクシーをご利用ください ご家族が来場されるお子様は、送迎バスはご利用いただけません
  • Registration of transportation method and meeting point on the first day (Deadline: July 11)
    Please register your transportation method and meeting location/time using the form below: [Registration Form] [Registration Deadline] July 11 (Thursday) [Notes] If there are any changes after registration but before the deadline, please indicate the changes in the remarks section and register again. If there are any changes after the deadline, please contact the JINIS Camp office via email. If you plan to use the shuttle bus service, please contact us early as seats are limited.
  • Is it possible to join the camp midway?
    It is possible to join the camp midway due to various circumstances or to temporarily stay outside the camp. If you plan to join the camp midway, please contact the JINIS Camp office ( in advance with details. During the camp period, parents or guardians arrange transportation to the venue. Please use your own vehicle, taxi, or other means of transportation. If your child needs to travel alone due to unavoidable circumstances, please discuss with us. Except for funerals or temporary returns determined by the organizers, we are unable to accommodate private reasons for leaving the camp during the camp period.
  • How long does it take from Fukuyama Station/ Hiroshima Airport to JINIS?
    Here are the transportation methods and estimated travel times from Fukuyama Station and Hiroshima Airport to the campsite. Please note that transportation is limited to private vehicles (personal cars, rental cars, taxis) only.  Camp shuttle buses are available only for participating children on the first and last days of the camp. Estimated travel times (subject to variations depending on traffic conditions): From Fukuyama Station: Approximately 60 minutes From Hiroshima Airport: Approximately 90 minutes
  • What happens to the participation fee if I join or leave the camp midway?
    We do not offer reductions in participation fees for shortened participation periods.
  • What should I do if parents cannot pick up the child due to sudden illness or other emergencies?
    Please contact the JINIS Camp office (  In case of emergency, please call the emergency contact number listed in your family guidebook.
  • How are classes and rooms determined? Is it possible to make requests?
    Classes and rooms are organised based on age and English proficiency level. We regret that we are unable to accommodate individual requests. For boarding rooms, floors are separated by gender.
  • Will the participation fee (including registration fee) be refunded if I cancel due to various circumstances?
    As stated in our cancellation policy, we do not offer refunds for cancellations made by participants after payment, regardless of the circumstances. In the event of cancellation by the organizer, we will refund the full participation fee excluding the registration fee.
  • Can you help with tasks like tying hair?
    We will do our best to accommodate such requests. However, please understand that due to a large number of children and the morning rush, we may not always be able to fulfill every request. We will prioritise tasks to ensure they do not interfere with the day's activities. Your understanding in this matter would be greatly appreciated.
  • Can my child bring a mobile phone to the camp?
    Generally, we discourage campers from bringing mobile phones to the camp. However, if your child travels alone by plane or bullet train, they may bring a mobile phone. We will collect and hold onto it upon arrival at the camp and return it upon departure. In case of emergencies or accidents where we need to contact parents, we will contact the camp office.
  • Can you assist with tasks like shampooing during bathing and finishing brushing teeth?
    We check to ensure proper bathing during bath time. Additionally, we provide assistance with finishing brushing teeth for children in year groups of kindergarten and first grade. Please note that participation in the camp assumes that children are capable of managing their personal hygiene independently.
  • Can parents and children exchange letters during the camp?
    We welcome letters from parents to their children during the camp. Please address the letter with your child's name and send it to the following address: JINIS Camp [Child's Name] 5020-77 Tokiyasu, Jinsekikogen-cho, Jinseki-gun, Hiroshima 720-1603 Japan For children celebrating birthdays during the camp, we also accept birthday cards. Please consider delivery times when sending them. Please also indicate on the envelope [the date you wish to give the card to the child]. *Birthday cards are no longer accepted. (May 2024) *We cannot reply from children. We appreciate your understanding in advance.
  • Can I know how my child is doing during the camp?
    Typically, we provide updates on your child's well-being every day around 8:00 PM via a private Facebook group. To access the updates, you'll need to request to join the group. Please note that this group is exclusive, and only approved individuals, such as parents and guardians, are allowed to join. We do not approve requests from individuals outside of this category (e.g., relatives). Once we verify that you're a parent or guardian based on the information provided, we'll approve your request to join the group. Please ensure that your name matches the one registered in the participant information. Further details will be provided via email on the first day of the camp.
  • Can my child bring their musical instruments or training equipment to the camp?
    We kindly ask that campers refrain from bringing musical instruments or training equipment to the camp. There is a risk of loss, damage, or injury to other campers if items are brought into shared living spaces.
  • Can my child bring a mobile phone to the camp?
    Generally, we discourage campers from bringing mobile phones to the camp. However, if your child travels alone by plane or bullet train, they may bring a mobile phone. We will collect and hold onto it upon arrival at the camp and return it upon departure. In case of emergencies or accidents where we need to contact parents, we will contact the camp office.
  • Are hairdryers provided? Can we bring our own?
    Hairdryers are provided at the camp. However, personal hairdryers are not allowed due to concerns about loss, damage, and potential injury to other children in the same room.
  • Can I bring my orthodontic headgear?
    Please contact the JINIS Camp office ( in advance.
  • Can I bring homework to the camp?
    Yes, you are welcome to bring homework to the camp. There will be time allocated after dinner for homework completion. If evenings are busy with camp activities, including evening programs, there may not always be time for homework. In such cases, please understand that completing homework may not be possible every day. While we encourage campers to complete their homework, we prioritise their overall well-being. If your child is feeling tired or overwhelmed, they are welcome to take a break from homework. There is no specific requirement for the amount of homework to bring. We suggest prioritising essential tasks and considering the overall camp experience. Please be aware that we cannot guarantee that all homework brought to camp will be completed.
  • What should I do if I forget something?
    Please contact the JINIS Camp office ( When sending the item, please make sure to include your child's name and send it to the following address: 〒720-1603 Jinsekikogen-cho, Jinseki-gun, Hiroshima 5020-77 JINIS Camp, Jinsei International School [Child's Name]
  • Can we bring diapers?
    Yes, you may bring diapers for your child. Our house parents will assist with diaper changes. We also provide bedwetting sheets for your convenience.
  • In the event of an outbreak of infectious diseases such as COVID-19 during the camp, what will happen to the camp duration?
    Generally, there will be no changes to the camp duration. However, depending on the situation, we may have to cancel the closing ceremony, farewell lunch, and school orientation session on the final day.
  • What measures are taken in case of sudden illness?
    If the nurse deems it necessary, the participant will be taken to a medical facility for further evaluation and treatment. Depending on the symptoms, a PCR test may be conducted. Participants exhibiting the following symptoms will be required to wear masks and sleep in separate rooms for observation until improvement: cough, sore throat, headache, vomiting, and fever of 37.5℃ or higher. They will resume normal activities once their condition improves.
  • Response to a Positive Case of COVID-19 at the Camp
    In the event of a confirmed case of COVID-19, the following measures will be taken: ●For the Affected Child:     Contacting the parents/guardians. Contact the local health authorities (the child's name will be provided). Isolation in a designated room. Return to the camp after the isolation period ends. ●For Other Children:      Activities will be carried out as normal. Those who are unwell will be monitored and dealt with as necessary.
  • How are medical expenses managed in case of sudden illness?
    Payment can be made by bank transfer or, if parents are present on the last day of school, cash payment at the venue.
  • Is wearing a mask mandatory?
    Wearing a mask is generally not required for the children's health check and to prevent heatstroke.
  • What nursing support is available at JINIS Camp?
    We have a comprehensive nursing system in place to ensure the well-being of all participants. During the day, we have a school nurse available, and during the night, we have House Parents who are qualified nurses on duty, providing round-the-clock nursing support. This ensures that participants have access to medical assistance and care at all times.
  • How does JINIS Camp handle food allergies?
    If exclusionary meals are requested, we require the submission of a "School Life Management Guidance Sheet for Allergic Diseases" based on the "Guidelines for School Measures against Allergic Diseases" with a physician's diagnosis. If there are specific requirements, such as severe allergies, particularly to trigger foods like buckwheat or the use of utensils previously used to cook allergenic foods, please make sure to declare them. While prioritising safety for children with food allergies, we strive to provide meals. However, for safety reasons, we primarily focus on completely removing the allergenic food. If ingredients from the 20 quasi-major allergens are included in addition to the seven major allergens, we display food allergy labels alongside the menu names at the buffet lines and encourage children to verify the contents themselves. Although we take meticulous care in handling allergies, since general and special menus are prepared in the same kitchen, there is a possibility of cross-contamination during processing or cooking processes. Additionally, utensils used for special menus are washed in the same dishwasher as other utensils, so please be aware of this.
  • What types of medications require submission of a medication support and management request form?
    Medications prescribed by medical institutions, including regular medications (such as those taken daily after meals or topical medications) and temporary medications (such as short-term medications), are applicable. Even if they are not regular medications, if there is a possibility of their use and you have them, please make sure to submit them. We cannot provide medications (including supplements) that are not submitted or listed.   In case of emergencies (such as seizures, agitation, or symptomatic allergies) requiring emergency medications: For children with allergies requiring administration of emergency medication (including EpiPens), submission of a "School Life Management Guidance Sheet for Allergic Diseases" filled out by a physician and a "Medication Support and Management Request Form" filled out by the parent or guardian is mandatory.   Medications requiring special techniques or those that are difficult to manage cannot be accepted for storage. Please also submit over-the-counter medications. Over-the-counter medications without submission cannot be accepted for storage. Regarding over-the-counter medications, the school provides the following medications. Please submit a "Medication Support and Management Request Form" only if you are bringing your usual medications or other over-the-counter medications: Sunscreen Insect repellent Moisturizer

Camp 3 participants

  • Information for the last day
    Family members are welcome to attend the closing ceremony, farewell lunch, and school orientation on the final day, although participation is optional. During the closing ceremony, your child will present their achievements from the camp. During the school orientation, we will provide information about the school facilities and explain the process for admissions in September 2024 and the entrance exams for the next academic year. Please consider attending this session. Details about the final day and how to register for parents' participation will be provided at a later date. ■ Overview (Scheduled) Date: Camp 1: July 6 (Saturday) Camp 2: July 13 (Saturday) Camp 3: August 3 (Saturday) Location: Jinseki International School ■ Flow of the day (Scheduled) 10:00 Doors Open 10:30 Closing Ceremony Begins 11:30 Farewell Lunch Begins 13:00 Dismissal, Departure of Shuttle Buses 13:00 School Orientation Begins - Scheduled to End at 14:30 (60 minutes for school orientation / 30 minutes for school tour) 【Notes】 There will be no shuttle bus service available for families traveling between Fukuyama Station or Hiroshima Airport and the campsite. Families attending on the final day should use their own cars or taxis. For those attending the school orientation and planning to use the bullet train or airplane for their return trip, please consider the travel time when making arrangements. Recommended schedules will not be provided.
  • Registration of participant information (Deadline: Varies for each notification)
    Please register your child's information and upload their photo using the form below. This information is necessary for class placement and preparation of T-shirts, so we appreciate your cooperation in registering as soon as possible. Participant Information Registration Form [Deadlines] For those who received the notification on April 16-17 : April 24 (Wednesday) For those who received the notification on April 22 or later::Individually specified dates
  • First day morning temperature check and COVID-19 infection control measures
    On the first day, please conduct a temperature check before leaving your home or accommodation. If your temperature measures 37.5℃ or higher, please contact the JINIS Camp office before arriving at the assembly point.。 Regarding measures against COVID-19 infection: Masks will not be required for your child's health check and to prevent heatstroke. ※ "Pledge on COVID-19 Countermeasures" is no longer required. (31 May 2024) Please ensure that you understand the contents of the "Pledge on COVID-19 Countermeasures" sign it, and bring the original copy with you.
  • Submission of documents related to allergies, medication support, and medication management (Deadline: May 31)
    When allergy management or the use of medication (oral medication, topical medication, eye drops, etc.) is necessary, the school nurse manages and supports using a designated format. Cooperation in advance submission is requested for coordination with the school nurse and kitchen staff. a. School Life Management Guidance Sheet (for allergy conditions) * Please ask the attending physician to complete it. b. Medication Management and Support Request Form c. Medication Information Provision Form or Copy of Medication Notebook [Submission Deadline *Strictly Observed] May 31 (Friday) ※For current JINIS students: If you have already submitted it to the school for the new academic year, there is no need to submit it again. Please let us know if there are any changes. [Submission Method] (1)Download the format from the following URL and fill it out: School Life Management Guidance Form (for allergy conditions) (PDF) Medication Management and Support Request Form (PDF) (2)Upload the PDF or photo via the "Submission Form": Submission Form (3)Please bring the original or a copy on the day of the camp. a. Regarding allergies: For children with allergies who require medication (including emergency medication such as Epipen), it is mandatory to submit the "School Life Management Guidance Sheet (for allergy conditions)" filled out by a physician, along with the "Medication Support and Medication Management Request Form" completed by the parent/guardian. If your child has a food allergy and you wish to remove certain foods, submission of the "School Life Management Guidance Sheet (for allergy conditions)" based on a physician's diagnosis is mandatory in accordance with the "Guidelines for Dealing with Allergic Diseases at School." As a principle, complete removal of the causative food is required to ensure safety. For symptoms or food items without submission of the "School Life Management Guidance Sheet (for allergy conditions)," management and support may become difficult. If it is difficult for your child to make avoidance decisions independently, please visit a medical institution and submit the required documents. b. Regarding the Medication Management and Support Request Form: Even if medication during the camp period is not mandatory, if there is a possibility of use or if your child will bring medication, it is necessary to submit the form. We cannot accept medications that require special skills for administration or medications that are difficult to manage. Please also submit over-the-counter medications. We cannot accept over-the-counter medications without submission. For over-the-counter medications, the following medications are provided by the school. Please submit the "Medication Support and Medication Management Request Form" only if you will bring your usual medication or other over-the-counter medications: Sunscreen Insect repellent Moisturizer c. Regarding the Medication Information Provision Form or Copy of Medication Notebook: Please submit medications prescribed by a medical institution. Submission is not required for over-the-counter medications.
  • Meeting point and time on the first day
    Please register your transportation method and meeting point/time via the dedicated form once they are decided. Please note that the deadline varies for each camp. Meeting point and times: 【A】Fukuyama Station Ticket Gates (Assembly: 12:30-13:30) 【B】Hiroshima Airport Arrivals Lobby (Assembly: 12:00-13:00) 【C】JINIS WINDS COURT at Jinseki International School (Registration: 14:00-15:00) Notes: 【A】For Fukuyama Station: Please arrive between 12:30 and 13:30. Parents will be dismissed at the meeting point. 【B】For Hiroshima Airport: Please arrive between 12:00 and 13:00. Parents will be dismissed at the meeting point. 【C】For JINIS WINDS COURT at Jinseki International School: Please arrive during the registration time from 14:00 to 15:00. Please note that registration cannot be completed before 14:00. We will take care of your child at registration. Parents cannot attend the opening ceremony or guidance. 【A、B、C】 Please have lunch on your own before coming. Lunch will not be provided at the school. Deadline for Registration of Transportation Method and Meeting Point/Time on the First Day: Camp 1: June 20 (Thursday) Camp 2: June 29 (Saturday) Camp 3: July 11th (Thursday) Registration form
  • Recommended bullet train and airplane schedules
    We would like to inform you of the recommended round-trip flights as follows. It is expected to change in the future, so please check the arrival and departure times when you make arrangements. You can use other than the recommended flight. 【First day】 Airplane(Tokyo→Hiroshima) JAL257 Haneda Airport 09:55 - Hiroshima Airport 11:20 ANA677 Haneda Airport 10:35 - Hiroshima Airport 12:00 (Arrive at 11:55 depending on the date) Bullet train(Tokyo, Shin-Osaka→Fukuyama) Nozomi No.21 Departs Tokyo 09:30 /Departs Shin-Osaka12:02 - arrives at Fukuyama13:03 Bullet train(Hakata→Fukuyama) Nozomi No. 24 Departs Hakata11:15 - arrives at Fukuyama 12:41 【Last day】 Airplane(Hiroshima→Tokyo) JAL262 Hiroshima Airport 16:40 - Haneda Airport 18:15 ANA680  Hiroshima Airport 15:20 - Haneda Airport 16:45 Bullet train(Fukuyama→Shin-Osaka, Tokyo) Nozomi No. 32 Departs Fukuyama 14:41 - arrives at Shin-Osaka 15:43/Tokyo 18:15 Bullet train(Fukuyama→Hakata) Sakura No. 557  Departs Fukuyama 14:27 - arrives at Hakata 15:59 【Notes】 If you plan to attend the school orientation on the final day, please note that you may not be able to catch the recommended bullet train or airplane schedule. If you plan to use the bullet train or airplane for your return trip, please make arrangements considering the travel time. School orientation: Scheduled to start at 13:00 and end at 14:30 Travel time to Fukuyama Station: Approximately 60 minutes by car Travel time to Hiroshima Airport: Approximately 90 minutes by car If you are using the children's support service of the respective airline, you will be provided with a contact person later.
  • Invoice for participation fee (Due date: As indicated on the invoice)
    We have sent you the invoice by email. Please review the invoice details and make the payment to the following account by the deadline. If payment is not received by the deadline, your registration will be canceled. Please note that the registration fee (¥50,000) cannot be refunded in such cases. ​ [Bank Account Information] Bank: Mizuho Bank, Kojimachi Branch SWIFT/BIC: MHCBJPJ6XXX Account Number: 1439580 Account Name: カ)ジセダイキョウイクカンキョウカイハツ *Please bear the remittance fees. ​ [Cancellation Policy] Regarding the participation fee, no refunds will be provided for cancellations made by participants after payment. If the organisers cancel the camp, a full refund of the participation fee, excluding the deposit, will be issued.
  • 最終日 ご来場手段/会場・駅・空港へのお迎えについて
    ■ご来場の際の交通手段について ご家族の方は各自でお車、タクシーをご利用ください。復路につきましても各自でご手配もお願いいたします 福山駅および広島空港への送迎バスは、ご家族が来場されないお子様のみご利用いただけます ■会場または駅・空港へのお迎えにつきまして キャンプ会場にお迎えの場合 13:00までにJINIS WINDS COURTへお越しください 福山駅および広島空港でお迎えの場合 送迎バスでお送りいたします 14:00までにご到着ください 当日の交通状況により送迎バスの到着時刻は前後する可能性がございます ■お子様だけでの帰宅につきまして 広島空港および福山駅まで送迎バスでお送りいたします 空港はキッズサービス受け渡し、または出発ロビーまで、新幹線は指定座席までスタッフが付き添います 復路チケットならびに航空会社へ提出するサービス利用の誓約書の持参をお忘れの場合は、JINIS Camp事務局までご連絡ください
  • 神石インターナショナルスクールへの出願を検討されている方へ
    神石インターナショナルスクールへの出願を検討されている方は、9月21日(土)東京会場・神石会場(日程要相談)にて入学・転入学試験を受けることができます。 席数に限りがありますので、ご希望の方はAdmissions Officeまでメールまたは「JINISお問い合わせフォーム」よりご連絡ください。 すでに出願されている方のお席は確保しております。
  • Home use guide (list of items to bring, etc.), pledge, etc.
    For those who have confirmed their payment of the participation fee, various documents will be sent from mid-May. If you have moved after pre-entry, please register your latest address during the "Registration of Participant Information". 【A】For residents within Japan or those who prefer to receive items at a Japanese address: We will mail the following items (1) to (4) to the registered address. If you move after pre-registration or if you live abroad but wish to receive items in Japan, please update your address during the "Registration of Participant Information." 【B】For residents outside Japan: We will provide the following items (1) to (3) in downloadable format. Please prepare a ziplock bag (4) on your own. Please refer to the sample and pack your belongings accordingly. [Items to be Sent (Planned)] Home use guide for JINIS Camp (list of items to bring, etc.) Pledge on COVID-19 Countermeasures Documents regarding exemption from liability and consent agreements Submission documents (original or copy), and a ziplock bag for organizing medications.
  • Regarding the bus service
    【On the first day】 If you plan to use the shuttle bus from Fukuyama Station or Hiroshima Airport on the first day, please arrive at the meeting point within the designated time. Once you arrive, please wait on the bus until departure time. We will depart once all registered participants have gathered, after the designated meeting time has passed. If there are any changes to your transportation plans, please be sure to contact the office in advance. 【On the last day】 Shuttle bus service to Fukuyama Station or Hiroshima Airport is available only for children whose guardians do not come to the campsite. 【Notes on shuttle bus service】 There is no shuttle bus service available for families travelling between Fukuyama Station or Hiroshima Airport and the campsite. If you are attending on the last day, please arrange your own transportation by car or taxi.
  • 最終日のスケジュール
    修了式では、お子様がキャンプの成果を発表いたします。是非ご家族の方もご来場ください。ご兄弟姉妹のお子様もご出席いただけます。 キャンプのプログラムはフェアウェルランチまでとなります。お子様はフェアウェルランチまでの参加が基本となります。 日程:7月6日(土) 会場:神石インターナショナルスクール JINIS WINDS COURT [アクセス] ※分岐点に看板がございます。案内に沿って「JINIS WINDS COURT」へお進みください 当日の流れ: 10:30 開場 11:00 修了式 開始 11:30 フェアウェルランチ開始 13:00 解散、送迎バス 出発 13:00【希望者のみ】学校説明会 開始〜14:30終了予定(学校説明60分/学校見学30分) [ご来場の皆様] ご家族の方は10:30〜11:00までにJINIS WINDS COURTへお越しください フェアウェルランチ終了後は自由解散です [学校説明会について] 学校施設のご案内と2024年9月編入および来年度の入試についてご説明いたします
  • 最終日 お子様の帰宅手段・ご家族の出欠の登録(期日:6月24日)
    以下のフォームよりお子様の帰宅手段・ご家族の出欠をご登録ください。 安全対策の一環としてのご入場者リストを作成いたしますため、出席をご希望の方は人数をお知らせください。 福山駅および広島空港までお子様の送迎をご希望の場合は、送迎バスの座席確保がございますため、お早めにご登録をお願いいたします。   【最終日】帰宅手段・出欠のご登録(期日 6月24日(月)まで) ◾️日本語: ◾️English: [注意事項] ご家族が修了式のみでご帰宅される場合は、お子様もフェアウェルランチには参加せずご家族と一緒に帰宅となります 学校説明会は出席登録をされた方のみご参加いただけます 福山駅・広島空港と会場を往復するご家族向けの送迎バスはございません。ご家族の方は各自でお車、タクシーをご利用ください ご家族が来場されるお子様は、送迎バスはご利用いただけません
  • Registration of transportation method and meeting point on the first day (Deadline: June 20)
    Please register your transportation method and meeting location/time using the form below: [Registration Form] [Registration Deadline] June 20 (Thursday) [Notes] If there are any changes after registration but before the deadline, please indicate the changes in the remarks section and register again. If there are any changes after the deadline, please contact the JINIS Camp office via email. If you plan to use the shuttle bus service, please contact us early as seats are limited.
  • 最終日のスケジュール
    修了式では、お子様がキャンプの成果を発表いたします。是非ご家族の方もご来場ください。ご兄弟姉妹のお子様もご出席いただけます。 キャンプのプログラムはフェアウェルランチまでとなります。お子様はフェアウェルランチまでの参加が基本となります。 日程:7月13日(土) 会場:神石インターナショナルスクール JINIS WINDS COURT [アクセス] ※分岐点に看板がございます。案内に沿って「JINIS WINDS COURT」へお進みください 当日の流れ: 10:30 開場 11:00 修了式 開始 11:30 フェアウェルランチ開始 13:00 解散、送迎バス 出発 13:00【希望者のみ】学校説明会 開始〜14:30終了予定(学校説明60分/学校見学30分) [ご来場の皆様] ご家族の方は10:30〜11:00までにJINIS WINDS COURTへお越しください フェアウェルランチ終了後は自由解散です [学校説明会について] 学校施設のご案内と2024年9月編入および来年度の入試についてご説明いたします
  • 最終日 お子様の帰宅手段・ご家族の出欠の登録(期日:6月29日)
    以下のフォームよりお子様の帰宅手段・ご家族の出欠をご登録ください。 安全対策の一環としてのご入場者リストを作成いたしますため、出席をご希望の方は人数をお知らせください。 福山駅および広島空港までお子様の送迎をご希望の場合は、送迎バスの座席確保がございますため、お早めにご登録をお願いいたします。   【最終日】帰宅手段・出欠のご登録(期日 6月29日(土)まで) ◾️日本語: ◾️English: [注意事項] ご家族が修了式のみでご帰宅される場合は、お子様もフェアウェルランチには参加せずご家族と一緒に帰宅となります 学校説明会は出席登録をされた方のみご参加いただけます 福山駅・広島空港と会場を往復するご家族向けの送迎バスはございません。ご家族の方は各自でお車、タクシーをご利用ください ご家族が来場されるお子様は、送迎バスはご利用いただけません
  • Registration of transportation method and meeting point on the first day (Deadline: June 29)
    Please register your transportation method and meeting location/time using the form below: [Registration Form] [Registration Deadline] June 29 (Saturday) [Notes] If there are any changes after registration but before the deadline, please indicate the changes in the remarks section and register again. If there are any changes after the deadline, please contact the JINIS Camp office via email. If you plan to use the shuttle bus service, please contact us early as seats are limited.
  • 最終日のスケジュール
    修了式では、お子様がキャンプの成果を発表いたします。是非ご家族の方もご来場ください。ご兄弟姉妹のお子様もご出席いただけます。 キャンプのプログラムはフェアウェルランチまでとなります。お子様はフェアウェルランチまでの参加が基本となります。 日程:8月3日(土) 会場:神石インターナショナルスクール JINIS WINDS COURT [アクセス] ※分岐点に看板がございます。案内に沿って「JINIS WINDS COURT」へお進みください 当日の流れ: 10:00 開場 10:30 修了式 開始 11:30 フェアウェルランチ開始 13:00 解散、送迎バス 出発 13:00【希望者のみ】学校説明会 開始〜14:30終了予定(学校説明60分/学校見学30分) [ご来場の皆様] ご家族の方は10:00〜10:30までにJINIS WINDS COURTへお越しください フェアウェルランチ終了後は自由解散です [学校説明会について] 学校施設のご案内と2024年9月編入および来年度の入試についてご説明いたします
  • 最終日 お子様の帰宅手段・ご家族の出欠の登録(期日:7月27日)
    以下のフォームよりお子様の帰宅手段・ご家族の出欠をご登録ください。 安全対策の一環としてのご入場者リストを作成いたしますため、出席をご希望の方は人数をお知らせください。 福山駅および広島空港までお子様の送迎をご希望の場合は、送迎バスの座席確保がございますため、お早めにご登録をお願いいたします。   【最終日】帰宅手段・出欠のご登録(期日 7月27日(土)まで) ◾️日本語: ◾️English: [注意事項] ご家族が修了式のみでご帰宅される場合は、お子様もフェアウェルランチには参加せずご家族と一緒に帰宅となります 学校説明会は出席登録をされた方のみご参加いただけます 福山駅・広島空港と会場を往復するご家族向けの送迎バスはございません。ご家族の方は各自でお車、タクシーをご利用ください ご家族が来場されるお子様は、送迎バスはご利用いただけません
  • Registration of transportation method and meeting point on the first day (Deadline: July 11)
    Please register your transportation method and meeting location/time using the form below: [Registration Form] [Registration Deadline] July 11 (Thursday) [Notes] If there are any changes after registration but before the deadline, please indicate the changes in the remarks section and register again. If there are any changes after the deadline, please contact the JINIS Camp office via email. If you plan to use the shuttle bus service, please contact us early as seats are limited.
  • Is it possible to join the camp midway?
    It is possible to join the camp midway due to various circumstances or to temporarily stay outside the camp. If you plan to join the camp midway, please contact the JINIS Camp office ( in advance with details. During the camp period, parents or guardians arrange transportation to the venue. Please use your own vehicle, taxi, or other means of transportation. If your child needs to travel alone due to unavoidable circumstances, please discuss with us. Except for funerals or temporary returns determined by the organizers, we are unable to accommodate private reasons for leaving the camp during the camp period.
  • How long does it take from Fukuyama Station/ Hiroshima Airport to JINIS?
    Here are the transportation methods and estimated travel times from Fukuyama Station and Hiroshima Airport to the campsite. Please note that transportation is limited to private vehicles (personal cars, rental cars, taxis) only.  Camp shuttle buses are available only for participating children on the first and last days of the camp. Estimated travel times (subject to variations depending on traffic conditions): From Fukuyama Station: Approximately 60 minutes From Hiroshima Airport: Approximately 90 minutes
  • What happens to the participation fee if I join or leave the camp midway?
    We do not offer reductions in participation fees for shortened participation periods.
  • What should I do if parents cannot pick up the child due to sudden illness or other emergencies?
    Please contact the JINIS Camp office (  In case of emergency, please call the emergency contact number listed in your family guidebook.
  • How are classes and rooms determined? Is it possible to make requests?
    Classes and rooms are organised based on age and English proficiency level. We regret that we are unable to accommodate individual requests. For boarding rooms, floors are separated by gender.
  • Will the participation fee (including registration fee) be refunded if I cancel due to various circumstances?
    As stated in our cancellation policy, we do not offer refunds for cancellations made by participants after payment, regardless of the circumstances. In the event of cancellation by the organizer, we will refund the full participation fee excluding the registration fee.
  • Can you help with tasks like tying hair?
    We will do our best to accommodate such requests. However, please understand that due to a large number of children and the morning rush, we may not always be able to fulfill every request. We will prioritise tasks to ensure they do not interfere with the day's activities. Your understanding in this matter would be greatly appreciated.
  • Can my child bring a mobile phone to the camp?
    Generally, we discourage campers from bringing mobile phones to the camp. However, if your child travels alone by plane or bullet train, they may bring a mobile phone. We will collect and hold onto it upon arrival at the camp and return it upon departure. In case of emergencies or accidents where we need to contact parents, we will contact the camp office.
  • Can you assist with tasks like shampooing during bathing and finishing brushing teeth?
    We check to ensure proper bathing during bath time. Additionally, we provide assistance with finishing brushing teeth for children in year groups of kindergarten and first grade. Please note that participation in the camp assumes that children are capable of managing their personal hygiene independently.
  • Can parents and children exchange letters during the camp?
    We welcome letters from parents to their children during the camp. Please address the letter with your child's name and send it to the following address: JINIS Camp [Child's Name] 5020-77 Tokiyasu, Jinsekikogen-cho, Jinseki-gun, Hiroshima 720-1603 Japan For children celebrating birthdays during the camp, we also accept birthday cards. Please consider delivery times when sending them. Please also indicate on the envelope [the date you wish to give the card to the child]. *Birthday cards are no longer accepted. (May 2024) *We cannot reply from children. We appreciate your understanding in advance.
  • Can I know how my child is doing during the camp?
    Typically, we provide updates on your child's well-being every day around 8:00 PM via a private Facebook group. To access the updates, you'll need to request to join the group. Please note that this group is exclusive, and only approved individuals, such as parents and guardians, are allowed to join. We do not approve requests from individuals outside of this category (e.g., relatives). Once we verify that you're a parent or guardian based on the information provided, we'll approve your request to join the group. Please ensure that your name matches the one registered in the participant information. Further details will be provided via email on the first day of the camp.
  • Can my child bring their musical instruments or training equipment to the camp?
    We kindly ask that campers refrain from bringing musical instruments or training equipment to the camp. There is a risk of loss, damage, or injury to other campers if items are brought into shared living spaces.
  • Can my child bring a mobile phone to the camp?
    Generally, we discourage campers from bringing mobile phones to the camp. However, if your child travels alone by plane or bullet train, they may bring a mobile phone. We will collect and hold onto it upon arrival at the camp and return it upon departure. In case of emergencies or accidents where we need to contact parents, we will contact the camp office.
  • Are hairdryers provided? Can we bring our own?
    Hairdryers are provided at the camp. However, personal hairdryers are not allowed due to concerns about loss, damage, and potential injury to other children in the same room.
  • Can I bring my orthodontic headgear?
    Please contact the JINIS Camp office ( in advance.
  • Can I bring homework to the camp?
    Yes, you are welcome to bring homework to the camp. There will be time allocated after dinner for homework completion. If evenings are busy with camp activities, including evening programs, there may not always be time for homework. In such cases, please understand that completing homework may not be possible every day. While we encourage campers to complete their homework, we prioritise their overall well-being. If your child is feeling tired or overwhelmed, they are welcome to take a break from homework. There is no specific requirement for the amount of homework to bring. We suggest prioritising essential tasks and considering the overall camp experience. Please be aware that we cannot guarantee that all homework brought to camp will be completed.
  • What should I do if I forget something?
    Please contact the JINIS Camp office ( When sending the item, please make sure to include your child's name and send it to the following address: 〒720-1603 Jinsekikogen-cho, Jinseki-gun, Hiroshima 5020-77 JINIS Camp, Jinsei International School [Child's Name]
  • Can we bring diapers?
    Yes, you may bring diapers for your child. Our house parents will assist with diaper changes. We also provide bedwetting sheets for your convenience.
  • In the event of an outbreak of infectious diseases such as COVID-19 during the camp, what will happen to the camp duration?
    Generally, there will be no changes to the camp duration. However, depending on the situation, we may have to cancel the closing ceremony, farewell lunch, and school orientation session on the final day.
  • What measures are taken in case of sudden illness?
    If the nurse deems it necessary, the participant will be taken to a medical facility for further evaluation and treatment. Depending on the symptoms, a PCR test may be conducted. Participants exhibiting the following symptoms will be required to wear masks and sleep in separate rooms for observation until improvement: cough, sore throat, headache, vomiting, and fever of 37.5℃ or higher. They will resume normal activities once their condition improves.
  • Response to a Positive Case of COVID-19 at the Camp
    In the event of a confirmed case of COVID-19, the following measures will be taken: ●For the Affected Child:     Contacting the parents/guardians. Contact the local health authorities (the child's name will be provided). Isolation in a designated room. Return to the camp after the isolation period ends. ●For Other Children:      Activities will be carried out as normal. Those who are unwell will be monitored and dealt with as necessary.
  • How are medical expenses managed in case of sudden illness?
    Payment can be made by bank transfer or, if parents are present on the last day of school, cash payment at the venue.
  • Is wearing a mask mandatory?
    Wearing a mask is generally not required for the children's health check and to prevent heatstroke.
  • What nursing support is available at JINIS Camp?
    We have a comprehensive nursing system in place to ensure the well-being of all participants. During the day, we have a school nurse available, and during the night, we have House Parents who are qualified nurses on duty, providing round-the-clock nursing support. This ensures that participants have access to medical assistance and care at all times.
  • How does JINIS Camp handle food allergies?
    If exclusionary meals are requested, we require the submission of a "School Life Management Guidance Sheet for Allergic Diseases" based on the "Guidelines for School Measures against Allergic Diseases" with a physician's diagnosis. If there are specific requirements, such as severe allergies, particularly to trigger foods like buckwheat or the use of utensils previously used to cook allergenic foods, please make sure to declare them. While prioritising safety for children with food allergies, we strive to provide meals. However, for safety reasons, we primarily focus on completely removing the allergenic food. If ingredients from the 20 quasi-major allergens are included in addition to the seven major allergens, we display food allergy labels alongside the menu names at the buffet lines and encourage children to verify the contents themselves. Although we take meticulous care in handling allergies, since general and special menus are prepared in the same kitchen, there is a possibility of cross-contamination during processing or cooking processes. Additionally, utensils used for special menus are washed in the same dishwasher as other utensils, so please be aware of this.
  • What types of medications require submission of a medication support and management request form?
    Medications prescribed by medical institutions, including regular medications (such as those taken daily after meals or topical medications) and temporary medications (such as short-term medications), are applicable. Even if they are not regular medications, if there is a possibility of their use and you have them, please make sure to submit them. We cannot provide medications (including supplements) that are not submitted or listed.   In case of emergencies (such as seizures, agitation, or symptomatic allergies) requiring emergency medications: For children with allergies requiring administration of emergency medication (including EpiPens), submission of a "School Life Management Guidance Sheet for Allergic Diseases" filled out by a physician and a "Medication Support and Management Request Form" filled out by the parent or guardian is mandatory.   Medications requiring special techniques or those that are difficult to manage cannot be accepted for storage. Please also submit over-the-counter medications. Over-the-counter medications without submission cannot be accepted for storage. Regarding over-the-counter medications, the school provides the following medications. Please submit a "Medication Support and Management Request Form" only if you are bringing your usual medications or other over-the-counter medications: Sunscreen Insect repellent Moisturizer

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